31 10 2011

28 September 2011



Sejak akhir-akhir ini, permintaan sekolah-sekolah jenis kebangsaan dilihat semakin banyak dan melampau. Mula-mula mereka meminta peruntukan. Kemudian mereka meminta sekolah baru. Yang terbaru mereka meminta lebih banyak peruntukan daripada dahulu. Paling menyakitkan hati apabila mereka meminta kerajaan mengkaji kelemahan penguasaan bahasa Melayu di kalangan pelajar mereka.
Permintaan ini seolah-olah semakin melampau dan memualkan. Dalam mana-mana perbahasan Dewan Undangan Negeri pun, isu sekolah jenis kebangsaan pasti berbangkit. Di Negeri Sembilan sendiri isu mengenai Sekolah Menengah Chan Wa belum lagi selesai.
Mula-mula sekolah ini meminta sekolah baru kerana sekolah yang sedia ada mempunyai kapasiti pelajar yang berlebihan. Kerajaan lalu memberikan tanah baru untuk SM Chan Wa membuka sekolah yang baru. Selepas ada dua buah sekolah, mereka meminta tapak baru lagi untuk sekolah mereka. Tidak melampaukah ini?
Yang menghairankan, mengapa penduduk setempat dan wakil rakyat lobak tidak meminta kerajaan agar mendirikan sahaja sebuah sekolah baru di kawasan tersebut? Mengapa perlu sekolah Chan Wa ini dipindah-pindah? Apakah ini penyelesaian yang bijak?
Saya melihat disini, kelemahan kerajaan ialah terlalu berlembut dalam mentadbir sekolah SJK. Masalah kepadatan di SJK dapat diselesaikan sekiranya sikap rasis ibu bapa pelajar tersebut dikikis atau dibuang. Di Seremban, sekolah kebangsaan yang mempunyai kepadatan yang tinggi hanya dua buah sahaja iaitu Sekolah Menengah Seri Ampangan dan Sekolah Menengah Bukit Mewah.
Kepadatan ini tidak dapat dielakkan kerana kawasan sekolah tersebut mempunyai jumlah penduduk yang banyak dan jarak sekolah lain yang terdekat dengan sekolah  tersebut amat jauh. Seharusnya ibu bapa kepada pelajar ini menghantar anak mereka ke sekolah-sekolah kebangsaan disediakan kerajaan tetapi akibat sikap rasis itu, mereka akan tetap menghantar anak-anak mereka ke sekolah jenis kebangsaan.
Berbalik kepada isu asal, permintaan SJK yang melampau ini sememangnya semakin melampau dari hari ke hari. Di sini, cuba kita buat satu perbandingan.
Sekolah-sekolah tahfiz atau aliran agama samada bantuan kerajaan atau bukan dilihat amat berbeza. Jika hendak dikatakan sekolah mereka mewah, tidak juga. Jika mewah, masakan sekolah-sekolah tahfiz ini sanggup meminta derma di pasar-pasar malam? Bukankah ini sikap yang jauh amat berbeza dengan sikap SJK?
Gaji guru sekolah Tahfiz juga amat berbeza tetapi mereka sanggup melakukan kerja mereka. Mampukah ciri-ciri sekolah tahfiz ini diikuti oleh SJK?
Ini contoh perbezaan antara SJK dan sekolah tahfiz.
Sekolah Tahfiz
Sebuah Pusat Tahfiz yang sudah beroperasi hampir setahun di Nilai N9 hampir akan ditutup kerana tunggakan sewa dan bil2 utiliti,jadi bantuan berbentuk sumbangan diharapkan dari penderma2 supaya sekolah yang mempunyai pelajar seramai 40 orang ini tidak terus terkubur. Sekolah swasta ini dibangunkan secara sukarela oleh sekumpulan guru2 dari kelulusan Timur Tengah,tidak menerima sebarang bantuan dari kerajaan atau mana2 pihak. Sekolah ini menempatkan pelajar2 miskin dan tidak berkemampuan serta anak yatim maka yuran persekolahan tidak dapat dipenuhi oleh mereka.  (sumber:
Inilah yang dikatakan dua mentaliti yang berbeza. Saya percaya, sekiranya mana-mana SJK mempunyai masalah yang sama seperti sekolah tahfiz itu, maka akan bangkitlah mana-mana wakil mereka terpekik sana sini menyalahkan kerajaan. Sebaliknya sekolah tahfiz ini dilihat lebih bermuhasabah dan bersabar. Walaupun mereka tidak menerima bantuan kerajaan, mereka tidak terpekik telolong menyalahkan kerajaan atas ketidaprihatinan.
Saya percaya bukan sahaja sekolah tahfiz swasta, malah banyak lagi sekolah tahfiz bantuan kerajaan yang juga mengalami masalah yang sama. Yang paling ketara sekali tentulah taraf gaji dan elaun yang diberikan kerajaan kepada kedua-dua jenis sekolah yang jauh berbeza. Walaupun mereka ini tidak menerima peruntukan dan bantuan sehebat SJK, tetapi mereka tidaklah terlalu mudah terpekik sana sini menghentam kerajaan. Persoalannya, mampukah sikap sekolah tahfiz ini ditiru oleh SJK yang amat manja ini?

Bapa Vernakular Sebagai Gelaran Rasmi

30 10 2011

Anugerah Paling Layak Buat Najib. ( serius ni … )

Bapak Vernakular

Artikel sebelum ni saya melahirkan rasa kekaguman saya diatas keberanian yang telah Najib buktikan semasa menjadi Menteri Pelajaran dulu dengan menggugurkan kuasa Menteri menukarkan sekolah cina kepada sekolah kebangsaan bagi memastikan Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina dan Tamil yang diamalkan terus sesuai dilaksanakan. KLIK

Najib siap menjadikan Menteri Pelajaran sebelum itu sebagai contoh betapa beliau ( Najib ) adalah LEBIH berani dan LEBIH sayang pada sekolah cina. Pada masa itu, sebelum saya ada seorang Menteri Pendidikan yang tidak mahu melakukannya (pindaan akta), tiada keberanian untuk melakukannya.

Dan hasilnya –
Malaysia merupakan satu-satunya negara di Asia Tenggara yang masih meneruskan sistem sekolah vernakular sehingga kini.  Oya, bulan disember tahun lalu semasa Konvensyen BN, Najib sebut juga benda ni, Bulan Mac pun sebut juga. Kalau tak silap waktu tu beliau sebut ‘ satu-satunya didunia ! ‘ Malas saya nak cek… Dunia ke , Asia Tengggara ke .. point yang penting disini adalah – kita dapat rasakan betapa sayangnya  Najib pada sekolah cina !

Betul ni …. saya bukan menyindir. Korang dapat tak rasakan kesungguhan yang Najib tunjukkan dalam memperkasakan sekolah cina ? Najib begitu bangga dengan pencapaiannya dalam menggugurkan kuasa Menteri Pelajaran sehingga beliau BERULANG KALI menyebutnya didepan khalayak ramai cina.

Najib sifatkan tindakannya dulu itu satu contoh KEBERANIAN. Berulang kali disebutnya. Begitu juga kenyataan betapa uniknya Malaysia punya pendidikan sekolah cina, berulang kali disebut Najib walaupun pada audien yang sama !

Siap cerita hantar anaknya belajar bahasa cina di negara China lagi. Ini bukan saja nak menarik sokongan undi cina tapi sememangnya Najib juga sayangkan sekolah cina !

Najib tidak mahu orang cina lupakan jasanya itu. Saya sebut orang cina saja sebab Najib tidak pernah sebut benda yang sama didepan audien Melayu.

Tapi tidak adillah kalau hanya kaum cina saja yang menyanjungi Najib, Melayu pun nak juga. Makanya disini saya ingin cadangkan gelaran BAPA VERNAKULAR secara resmi diberikan kepada Perdana Menteri Keenam kita – Najib Tun Razak.

Bukan menyindir OK ! Ni serius giler ni . Najib sendiri bersusah payah mahu mengingatkan rakyat akan perjuangannya dalam memperkasakan sekolah cina, fact is NAJIB BANGGA dengan usahanya itu ! Tidak ada siapa boleh nafikan sumbangan Najib itu. Ia adalah satu fakta sejarah. Dan ADA HASILnya, kita sendiri boleh lihat betapa berkembangnya sekolah cina setelah mendapat lesen besar dari Najib.

Sekiranya gelaran Bapa Vernakular itu dianugerahkan kepada Najib, tidak perlu dah beliau sering sebut-sebut benda tu, nanti orang akan kata masuk bakul angkat sendiri. Sudah tiba masanya negara dan rakyat Malaysia mengiktiraf perjuangan sekolah cina Najib !

Seperkara lagi, gelaran Bapa Vernakular adalah LEBIH BAIK dan LEBIH AFDHAL buat Najib berbanding Bapa Transformasi. Bapa Transformasi itu terang-terang satu usaha bodek oleh pihak tertentu. Apakah Najib sudah layak menerima gelaran Bapa Transformasi sedangkan usaha-usaha transformasi itu baru saja diperkenalkan Najib dan masih belum menampakkan hasil ?

Perhatikan gelaran yang kita berikan kepada PM-PM yang lalu – Bapa Kemerdekaan, Bapa Pembangunan, Bapa Perpaduan, Bapa Pemodenan, Bapa Jin …… Tak perlu disebut siapa yang menerima gelaran mana, kita semua sudah tahu kerana mereka sememangnya LAYAK dengan gelaran itu. Usaha-usaha mereka diiktiraf dan hasilnya kita dapat lihat.

Atas dasar itu, gelaran Bapa Transformasi tidak harus diberikan lagi kepada Najib sehingga beliau benar-benar layak menerimanya. Omputeh kata – He has to earn it ! Kita janganlah terlalu nak bodek Najib dengan gelaran atas polisi yang baru yang masih belum jelas hasilnya.

Najib lebih layak dengan gelaran Bapa Vernakular. Ia adalah perjuangan Najib yang sebenar, malah ia telah diperjuangkan Najib SEBELUM beliau jadi PM lagi. Hasilnya dapat kita lihat sekarang dan perjuangan Najib itu semakin rancak sejak menjadi PM.

Saya yakin Najib akan menerima anugerah ini dengan perasaan yang amat bangga sekali kerana akhirnya segala pengorbanan dan keberanian yang Najib tunjukkan selama bertahun lamanya diikitiraf dan diabadikan selama-lamanya.


Saya boleh bayangkan Najib waktu menerima anugerah terhormat ini kelak ….

I … I … I am …. I am soo … I’m sorry, this is so touching. This moment …. I have been waiting for this moment for so long. I … I …don’t know what to say … ( sambil mengesat airmata terharu … ) Thank You Malaysia …. Thank You 1Malaysia ! This is for YOU !

I like to take this opportunity to say my thanks to my lovely wife …. Rosmah, whom without her , I would …. bla bla bla ……

Very the touching la …. Ayuh kita berikan sokongan kepada BAPA VERNAKULAR MALAYSIA – NAJIB !


1. BAPAK VERNAKULAR – Voices Around

2. BAPAK & BAPA MALAYSIA – Voices Around

In Tribute To All Teachers

29 10 2011

What Do Teachers Make?

The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He argued, “What’s a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?”

He reminded the other dinner guests what they say about teachers: “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.

To stress his point he said to another guest; “You’re a teacher, Bonnie. Be honest. What do you make?”

Bonnie, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness replied, “You want to know what I make? (She paused for a second, and then began…)

“Well, I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could

I make a C+ feel like the Congressional Medal of Honor.

I make kids sit through 40 minutes of class time when their parents can’t make them sit for 5 without an I Pod, Game Cube or movie rental.

You want to know what I make?” (She paused again and looked at each and every person at the table.)

”I make kids wonder.

I make them question.

I make them apologize and mean it.

I make them have respect and take responsibility for their actions.

I teach them to write and then I make them write. Keyboarding isn’t everything.

I make them read, read, read.

I make them show all their work in math. They use their God given brain, not the man-made calculator.

I make my students from other countries learn everything they need to know about English while preserving their unique cultural identity.

I make my classroom a place where all my students feel safe.

Finally, I make them understand that if they use the gifts they were given, work hard, and follow their hearts, they can succeed in life.”

(Bonnie paused one last time and then continued.)

“Then, when people try to judge me by what I make, with me knowing money isn’t everything, I can hold my head up high and pay no attention because they are ignorant…

You want to know what I make?


“What do you make Mr. CEO?”

His jaw dropped, he went silent.

**M and S … Mr CEO rings any bell?**

(Article taken from koolmokcikZ, HERE.)


28 10 2011

PAGE (Parents’ Action Group for Education) sedang berusaha untuk mengumpulkan 1-juta tandatangan untuk sebuah petisyen kepada Perdana Menteri dan juga Timbalan Perdanan Menteri bagi mengekalkan PPSMI.

Sokongan kepada usaha ini boleh dibuat dibawah ini.







Berikut adalah beberapa perenggan tulisan OUTSYED THE BOX yang dipetik dari artikel yang bertajuk, Mansuh PPSMI Akan Jejas Undi. Sila klik tajuk tersebut untuk membaca artikel penuh.


The Governmenmt has to really ask itself whose interest they are representing when they want to abolish the PPSMI? Indications are the majority of the population, especially the Malays support the PPSMI.
I think this is also why the Government is shying away from conducting a referendum to directly ask the people their views. The Government knows that a referendum will support the PPSMI. The Government is taking a huge risk with the future of the nation, especially the Malays, just to avoid embarrasment.
Even Perkasa shares the view that “Ibubapa, guru dan pelajar bersetuju dengan PPSMI“. Coming from the most extreme ultra right wing Malay NGO in the country, with a following in excess of 300,000 (YB Zulkifli Noordin the MP for Kulim – has just been elected a VP of Perkasa) this endorsement for the PPSMI by Perkasa is more proof that the Malays are in support of PPSMI. I hope the Government is listening.

Why Fix Something Which Is Not Broken?

27 10 2011


The Great PPSMI Mistake

There is a letter in The Star today (here) written by the Communications Unit of the Ministry of Education explaining why the PPSMI was abolished.
The Ministry says : “We would like to clarify that the decision to abolish PPSMI was done after careful deliberations. The Ministry consulted various stakeholders and conducted in-depth studies on the effectiveness of PPSMI and its impact on student learning before scrapping the flawed policy.”
I think the Ministry is not being straight forward here at all. The Ministry is also missing the point entirely. The most important stakeholders who have absolute right in deciding the future of the children are parents. Has the Ministry conducted surveys among parents? There is a strong undercurrent to conduct a public referendum to decide this PPSMI matter. Why not we conduct a public referendum ? Why is the Ministry so afraid of conducting a public referendum on the matter? The book publishers wont agree?
Ok even if you dont want to conduct a public referendum, then conduct a wide ranging survey among parents, from Sabah to Perlis. Not the type of ‘telephone survey covering 1000 people’ or ‘informal survey covering 500 people’. Do a larger survey covering say 100,000 Malaysians who are parents with school going children.
This can be done easily. No need for con-sultans either. The Ministry can upload the survey questionnaire, ask the schools to download and print the questionnaire, pass it to the parents, collect back the questionnaires and pass it back to the Ministry. And please do it honestly.
Instead the Ministry gives quite incredible answers like the following :
“We found that during the implementation of PPSMI only 4% of Mathematics and Science teachers used 90% or more of English in the teaching and learning of the two subjects. A majority of them used a mixture of Bahasa Malaysia and English. More often than not, the teachers had to switch to Bahasa Malaysia in their teaching because students could not understand their lessons in English.”
So just because the teachers are poorly trained in English skills, we have to change our education system and sacrifice the future of our children? Shouldnt it be the other way around – why dont we train the teachers to make sure that they are English proficient? Instead of we sacrificing our childrens’ future, tell the teachers to make some sacrifices with their time, become English profficient asap and then teach the kids. Susah sikit, nak gostan terus ke?
One simple method is to just continue with the PPSMI until our teacher trainee entrants are “PPSMI resistant”. In other words they become comfortable with English. Of course there will be a ‘transition period’ where those caught in between will face challenges but we have to stick with it. Just spend more resources teaching English to our teacher trainees.
In no time at all, they will gain the English competence. We cannot abandon things halfway just because the teachers are poorly trained, just because they find the going tough, penatlah, malas nak memikir lah and other such excuses. Just take the easy way out.
I think we are also thoroughly confused. Schools now teach more religious classes (kelas agama) than other more important subjects in school.
For example the ‘Standard Kurikulum Pra Sekolah Kebangsaan’ (the Government kindergarten) recently introduced for 5 and 6 year olds proposed the following study times per week :
Mathematics 40 minutes
English 90 minutes
Malay Language 90 minutes
Agama 120 minutes
120 minutes for Agama? Why do we need to teach Agama for 120 minutes to 5 year olds at the kindergarten. Agama is already taught from Standard 1 – 6. It is also taught from Form 1 – Form 6. Finally in University, undergraduates are taught Agama for four more years.
So much religion – from tadika right up to final year University. It must be a very, very complicated religion. Agama kita ni susah sangat ke? We are almost manufacturing ustaz and ustazah ?
Or maybe we are trying to help the “buku Agama ” publishers as well? I have said this before and I will say it again : the book publishing lobby exerts very strong influence in determining our education policy. It is no secret that there is a very strong book publishing lobby that wants the PPSMI to be abolished as well. Ini semua duit punya pasal juga.
It is a fallacy to say that our children cannot learn English or that they cannot learn Maths and Science in English. Before we changed the education policy in the 70s and 80s, thousands of students at Government schools learnt Maths and Science in English. At that time our Government schools were no different from schools in Australia or England in terms of the quality of the education that we received. We took the same Cambridge ‘O’ Levels and ‘A’ Levels to the same levels of English proficiency as any student in England or Australia. We could do it then. We can still do it now.
Negara Brunei Darussalam has never changed their education system. Their schools teach almost completely in English. As a result the modern Malays in Brunei are very English proficient – which will serve them well. They are still Malays.
The Ministry also says : “This decision (to abolish the PPSMI) is in line with the position taken by Unesco that the mother tongue is the best medium of instruction in schools.”

I beg to disagree. What is the mother tongue in Singapore? Chinese, Malay, Tamil? But they decided to stick with an English medium of education. As a result Singapore now has the fifth highest per capita GDP income in the world – ahead of the US, Switzerland, Norway, Canada, Japan etc. (You can refer here) :
Now lets take two other countries that “messed” up their education system – Burma and Ceylon. Both Burma and Ceylon had an English based education system just like we had. At one time both these countries were the leading lights in post-War Asia. In the 60s and 70s they produced large numbers of medical specialists, engineers, lawyers, accountants and even a United Nations Secretary General (U Thant). U Thant, a son of Burma, was the third Secretary General of the United Nations for a record 10 years from 1961 to 1971. Lee Kuan Yew has written that he seriously expected Ceylon to pass Singapore in their economic development.
Then things went wrong. Just like us, language nationalists in Ceylon and Burma switched their system to the vernacular ie Sinhalese in Ceylon and Burmese in Burma. Both countries also changed their name to Sri Lanka and Myanmar respectively. Ever since then both Sri Lanka and Myanmar have become what they are today – basket cases in Asia.
We are not running down any country’s national language including Malay. This is the farthest thing from the truth.
But there is something called time (masa) which passes quickly and there is something called change (which also happens very quickly). Both are unstoppable. If you waste your time (doing non productive or less productive things) and you do not keep up with change, then you get left behind. You become poor, hidup susah, struggle for survival in the modern world and other such things.
Change and the amount of time it takes to accelerate change are governed by science and technology. Science and technology determine everything now. If you keep up with science and technology, you survive well. If you do not keep up, you cannot even watch black and white tv. They dont make them anymore.
The speed at which you acquire and apply the latest science and technology will determine how well you live. And the education system determines the speed of acquisition of science and technology (aka knowledge). It all boils down to the education system, the language that we use, what we learn in our books, what we teach our kids, how we teach our kids.
Unfortunately, due to historical reasons only, many languages do not yet have the ‘linguistic and cultural infrastructure to convey ever changing scientific ideas’. The Malay language is definitely one of them. It will take time, yes we have to get started sometime, but it is a slow curve.
So to insist that we want to teach our kids science and technology in the Malay language – which is still developing its infrastructure in this area – is to gamble with our future. Look at Myanmar, Sri Lanka and look at ourselves over the past 30 years.
That is why the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka folks (the so called guardians of the Malay language) have created thousands of ciplak words like biologi, industri, kontraktor, sistem selular, demokrasi, reformasi and other ‘borrowed words’ from the English language. To help expedite the Malay language to acquire complex ideas and ever changing scientific information and knowledge. This is still work in progress.
I feel however this is going to take a very long time to move people up the scientific curve. Kids learn new science based words in school like biologi, kurikulum, voltan, hepatitis, otomatik and such. But they cannot go back home and use these words to engage in everyday conversation with their parents, their neighbours and their society, especially in the villages and far away places. These ‘science based’ words do not form part of their language infrastructure. These are borrowed words – borrowed from the English language.
The entire community must incorporate these new science based ‘borrowed words’ and learn to use it in their everyday conversation before the community can derive the most benefit from understanding such words and concepts. This is going to take time – a long time.
Unfortunately during that long long time, change is constantly taking place, at an even faster pace. When we at last catch understand black and white cathode ray tube technology, the rest of the world has moved to colour tv and LCD screens. We get left behind. We become poor.
It is much easier to teach the entire community a second language, in this case English, whereby the English language already has the ‘infrastructure’ to convey new fangled science based vocabularies and science based complex ideas with the minimum requirement for words. It is much faster.
Plus we already have a very strong English language tradition in Malaysia. Why fix something that was not really broken?
And we must also understand that it is not just the university graduates who need to be up to par in English, science and technology. The entire population must be well informed to a certain extent about science and technology. In our country, less than 2% of the population enters university every year. What about the balance 98%? In advanced societies or societies that have achieved major economic and social advancements, the majority of their people (who also do not go to university) have achieved a good high school education which prepares them to appreciate, understand, absorb and take advantage of science and technology. In everything they do, whether it is managing a kindergarten, keeping account books in their businesses or making motorcars, they are closer to the scientific method. Hence they progress. Everyone must become clever, not just the university graduates,
Yes we can learn science and mathematics in Malay. But it is going to take a very long time to evolve upwards along the learning curve. Or we may not get there. If we adopt the English language, this time frame is accelerated. We get there much faster. We are at par with the advanced people much quicker.


26 10 2011


In defence of the NEP a letter from the NST

In defence of the NEP, a letter written by DR GAIRUZAZMI M. GHANI which I would like to share with readers:

ECONOMY: Don’t blame the NEP

I REFER to the letter from Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam, “Economy: Back your case with research” (NST, Aug 11), 11/8/2011), in which he argues that the New Economic Policy (NEP) and its remains are one of the main reasons for the decline in foreign and domestic investment in Malaysia.

He did not, however, furnish data.

Let us then look at compare the figures for of total investment, foreign direct investment (FDI) and economic performance during the NEP period, and compare them balance it with our neighbouring countries to see whether his argument is factually accurate. or not.

The data shows that Malaysia’s economic growth and investment intensity were on  par if not better than its neighbours in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s.

Malaysia’s gross domestic products (GDP) grew at an average rate of about 7.5 per cent % for the 1970 to 1990 period, similar to its neighbouring countries.

Average investment ratio per GDP was about 26 per cent % for the 1970 to 1990 period, also similar to its neighbours, except Singapore which had an average of 38 per cent. %.

These rates were better than other regions in the world, suggesting that the NEP at worst, had done no harm to the economy, if not improved the economy.

Admittedly, the investment intensity after the Asian financial crisis did drop, but can this be blamed on the NEP?

Investment intensity for all East Asian countries also dropped after the crisis.

Malaysia’s total investment dropped from as high as 43 per cent of the GDP in 1997 to about 20 per cent of the GDP after the crisis.

The same occurred into other countries. The investment level in Singapore, Thailand, South Korea and the Philippines also dropped from as high as 41 per cent to about 20 per cent of the GDP.

These countries did not have the NEP; they had have the luxury of homogeneity. So, how can the NEP be blamed?

In fact, it could be because of the NEP that Malaysia was able to enjoy economic prosperity.

The policy, to a large extent, has brought stability to the country, which is a pre-requisite for inflows of investment and economic growth, which then would improve society’s socio-economic well-being.
Compared to other multi-ethnic countries, Malaysia is in fact performing better than most countries in the region. Navaratnam Ramon has failed to recognise that the high tolerances which have been practised by Malaysians due to the policy had have indirectly led us to perform well in the Human Development Index (HDI), where Malaysia has been categorised as a high development country, much higher than countries that have similar characteristics.

Studies have shown that East Asian countries over-invested during the middle of the 1990s, creating overcapacity in the market; the high levels of investment were not sustainable.

This echoes Paul Krugman’s questioning of the East Asia Miracle. He argued that East Asia’s rapid economic growth in the 1990s was due to too much investment, not increases in productivity.

The inability of East Asian countries, including Malaysia, to return to the mid-1990s levels of investment might be due partly, if not entirely, to over-investment in the region.

The current rate level of investment is at a normal level. Indeed, the world average total investment as a ratio of the GDP was about 24 per cent in 2008, lower than Malaysia’s investment ratio during the NEP period. However, what is important is not how much is invested, but rather, the quality of the investment.

The drastic drop in Malaysia’s FDI relative to other East Asian countries in 2009 has been hyped, but it is an anomaly. The FDI sank to a low US$1.4 billion (RM4.2 billion) due to the global financial crisis and other related factors. It has since recovered.

In fact, the FDI inflows in 2010 last year were the highest ever recorded, surpassing the pre-crisis level of US$D8.6 billion recorded in 2007.

Although the World Bank Malaysian Economic Monitor April 2011 (Figure 1.57, p. 44) report shows that Malaysia is the only country in the region with a decrease of FDI to gross fixed capital formation ratio, it is sensitive to the time period selected.

For instance, the ratio is 18.9 per cent for the 2006 to 2008 period and 12.4 per cent ( for the 1994 to 1996)period.

The phenomenon of brain drain has also been suggested by NavaratnamRamon as a reason for the decline in total investment.

However, the decline in investment is not due to brain drain.

The World Bank suggests that brain drain may be costly to Malaysia’s economy but it also states that “even though brain drain has caused a reduction in the overall labour force…, the skilled labour force remains almost constant and the share of highly-skilled remains virtually the same…

On the positive side, this evidence suggests that the brain drain has not had a significant detrimental effect in reducing the stock of the educated workforce”.

However, it does not mean that the brain drain is good for the economy.

Malaysia needs to retain and attract talent in order to improve the country.

Yes, the NEP has been abused and has its weaknesses, but to blame the NEP for the brain drain or drop in investment is empirically incorrect.

Islamic Economics and Policy Research Unit
International Islamic University

Read in full here.

Selamat Merayakan Hari Deepavali

25 10 2011


DS Najib Yang Masih Tidak Mahu “Nampak”

25 10 2011


Isu Kolej HanCing – Produk Kebanggaan Najib ! Nak Buat Macamana ….

Saya ada mengulas isu Kolej Han Chiang dimana Rais mempertikaikan kebiadapan kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang yang telah meminggirkan Bahasa resmi Bahasa Malaysia dan susulan itu menyaksikan sesi ‘ berbalas pantun ‘ antara Rais dan Lim Guan Eng. Alasan utama LGE adalah ia sebuah kolej persendirian/swasta dan bukannya satu majlis anjuran kerajaan Negeri.

Mulanya saya tak berapa nak layan sangat KLIK , secara jujur saya katakan, kalau libatkan bab Bahasa Malaysia dengan PM Najib -Hah ! Kuali buat lawak bontot cerek hitam !  Saya sendiri dah beberapa kali hentam Najib bab menghormati Bahasa Kebangsaan dimajlis-majlis baik resmi maupun tidak resmi, asalkan ia dihadiri oleh hampir kesemuanya rakyat Malaysia.

Bagi saya, tidak semestinya majlis resmi saja, kalau yang hadir adalah rakyat Malaysia …LOGIKlah kalau bahasa yang digunakan adalah bahasa Kebangsaan melainkan pemimpin itu sendiri yang TIDAK meletakkan taraf Bahasa Kebangsaan ditempat yang sepatutnya.

Ia juga satu indikasi betapa pemimpin itu TIDAK menghargai peranan Bahasa Malaysia sebagai bahasa Penyatuan rakyat pelbagai kaum.

Ia juga meletakkan pemimpin itu lebih kurang sama taraf je dengan majoriti rakyat bukan Melayu yang tidak merasakan ia satu tanggungjawab NORMAL seorang rakyat untuk fasih dalam Bahasa Kebangsaan negaranya sendiri. Harap pemimpin itu sendiri berbangsa Melayu, kalau tidak ……..

OK, itu pandangan AWAL saya. Ia masih SAMA, tidak berubah TAPI kini pandangan saya BERTAMBAH pula bila baca tulisan dari blog TOKJEN – Kolej Han Chiang, DAP Biadap – Malukan Menteri yang linknya saya dapat dari blog PISAU.

KLIK dan BACAlah ! Saya berbulu betullah bila dah diletak link, korang malas nak baca ! hehehehe ….


Ini dah cerita lain ni ! Terdapat usaha yang disengajakan dipihak pengajur majlis untuk memperlekehkan Menteri dan majlis dijadikan pentas untuk merendahkan taraf Menteri Pusat dibandingkan taraf Ketua Menteri. Sememangnya puak cina terbabit amat BIADAP sekali !

Dan jika diambilkira partisipasi hadirin yang majoritinya murid-murid cina dalam aksi ‘penghinaan’ itu, korang boleh bayangkan – Bagaimana masadepan hubungan antara kaum dinegara kita, apakah makin baik atau bertambah teruk ? !

Najib, Najib ….. TAK NAMPAK LAGI KE ? Sekolah cina yang menjadi kebanggaan tuan yang tuan dengan bangganya mendabik dada telah perjuangkan dengan penuh keberanian sewaktu menjadi Menteri Pelajaran dulu, dan kini tuan mahu jadikan satu faktor kebanggan bagi Malaysia kerana mempunyai satu-satunya negara yang punyai sistem pendidikan vernakular ADALAH KILANG YANG MENGELUARKAN PRODUK ANTI PERPADUAN KAUM. Ia adalah kilang yang mengeluarkan bom jangka yang pastinya meletus satu hari nanti, menghancurkan apa yang selama ini diperjuangkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin terdahulu.

SIAPA YANG SEBENARNYA ‘ INGRATES ‘ ? – Yang tidak menghargai usaha pemimpin terdahulu ? Mereka yang menentang dan mahu mengubah apa yang pemimpin terdahulu putuskan kerana ia dilihat sebagai satu kesilapan, demi meneruskan cita-cita mereka ……. ATAU pemimpin yang meneruskan usaha pemimpin terdahulu yang ternyata satu kesilapan dimana kalau diteruskan juga pasti menghancurkan cita-cita asal mereka ?

Ya, disebalik kebiadapan yang ditunjukkan oleh kaum cina diMajlis Kolej HanCing, kita boleh marah dan salahkan mereka dan ibubapa yang tidak mengajar cara betul beradap sopan dan sikap menghormati orang lain. Tapi waktu sama kita juga kena akui, suasana persekitaran pembesaran dan pembelajaran mereka juga merupakan satu faktor utama kenapa mereka jadi begitu.

Cuba fikirkan – Apakah RATUSAN sekolah cina lain juga begitu ?
Cuba bayangkan – Apakah RATUSAN RIBU generasi cina masadepan negara juga akan jadi begitu ?
Cuba rasionalkan – Apakah tindakan Najib terus menambah bilangan sekolah cina dan memberi pengiktirafan pendidikan cina dari sekolah rendah hingga melayakkan lulusan sijil UEC memasuki Universiti tempatan dan luar negara merupakan satu usaha kearah Perpaduan antara kaum ?
Cuba gambarkan – masadepan negara yang mungkin maju tapi setiap kaum membawa haluan masing-masing dengan masalah perkauman menjadi semakin parah …. HANCUR NEGARA !

Sayangnya, ramai yang nampak tapi ……. takpelah, kita kena terus sokong Najib. Biarlah negara hancur pun ???

Bapak Vernakular

Sekolah Methodist

24 10 2011

Dari Laman THE UNSPINNERS yang memetik artikel laman MIM

Bukan kali pertama Gereja Methodist Ngeh-Nga buat onar

MiM terkejut dengan pendedahan di dalam artikel di bawah.

Apakah pihak gereja Methodist memperlekeh-lekehkan sistem pelajaran negara? Siapakah mereka yang begitu lantang sekali?

Di antara artikel tersebut :-

Terkini, sempena sambutan ulang tahun ke-120 Sekolah Methodist Lelaki Pulau Pinang, pihak gereja Methodist mahu membina lebih sekolah swasta, sebagai altenatif kepada penurunan standard akademik di sekolah-sekolah kebangsaan.

Menurut biskop Dr Hwa Yung, misi Gereja Methodist ialah membina rangkaian sekolah swasta agar golongan muda Malaysia akan menikmati pendidikan terbaik. Kenyataan ini jelas-jelas menghina sistem pendidikan kebangsaan.

Jika pendidikan kebangsaan tidak ada standard, kenapa saban tahun pelajar-pelajar kita diterima belajar di luar negara? Kenapa ultra kiasu begitu lantang mahukan biasiswa JPA diberikan kepada mereka? Tidakkah semua mereka produk daripada sekolah kebangsaan?

Alasan simplisitik gereja Methodist dengan merujuk kejayaan dengan kerjasama mazhab Kristian yang lain terlibat dalam bidang pendidikan sejak 1800-an apabila British datang ke negara ini.

Gereja Methodist mempunyai 26 sekolah menengah dan 42 sekolah rendah yang mendapat bantuan kerajaan, enam sekolah swasta dan sebuah kolej persendirian. Gereja Methodist kesal kerana kebanyakan sekolah mubaligh kini berada di bawah kawalan kerajaan dan beroperasi atas dasar-dasar yang tidak “simpati” kepada sekolah-sekolah jenis itu.

Kini, gereja Methodist bergerak aktif dengan memulakan sekolah bagi penduduk di kawasan luar bandar yang tiada akses kepada sekolah-sekolah kerajaan. Selepas itu, menurut Gereja Methodist, mereka mahukan Methodist College ditubuhkan bagi mencapai taraf kolej universiti pada masa akan datang.

Saya yakin mereka akan menggunakan peluang-peluang ini sepenuhnya di negeri-negeri yang ditadbir oleh ultra kiasu, terutama Pulau Pinang.

Kerajaan perlu sedar akan strategik ini. Matlamat mereka hanya satu, untuk menyebarkan ajaran Kristian di negara ini. Saya amat mengharapkan kerajaan tidak akan tunduk atau melulus sekolah dan kolej missionari ini.

Mereka mempunyai perancangan yang licik untuk merealisasikan cita-cita mereka, menjadi rantau Melayu ini sebagai sasaran Kristian setelah mereka gagal di Barat.

Saya cadangkan pihak gereja bawa idea sekolah ini untuk dibina di negara China. Adakah kerajan China akan terima? Janganlah terlalu mengutuk negara sendiri, untuk memenuhi tuntutan dan strategi Kristianisasi.

Kita semua tahu perancangan licik dan jahat pihak gereja. Umat Islam tidak banyak bercakap atas menghormati kebebasan beragama. Tetapi jangan terlalu berani mencabar. Sistem sebegini tidak pernah wujud di negara lain. Saya amat pelik, kenapa kita sanggup korbankan kepentingan nasional semata-mata untuk meraikan orang lain? Bertindaklah sebelum terlambat

Baca sepenuhnya sini


A Hard Reboot of Our Country – One School System

23 10 2011

October 22, 2011
Time to consider a new social contract
(This post appears as a column in the latest edition of The Edge)
In my last column, I wrote about the parallel lives that some Malaysians lead. Just to recap, this is a situation where the absence of a unitary, single education system is the basis for many young Malaysians leading lives that are divorced from others from different ethnic backgrounds.

So, to take extreme but plausible examples, a Malay child could easily attend a rural national school where there are no students from other ethnic groups then go on to an all-Malay secondary boarding school and end up going to university in the Middle East where, again, he or she does not encounter a non-Malay Malaysian. Similarly, there will be Chinese kids who go to vernacular primary school, then an independent Chinese high school, finishing off in Taiwan and not come into any meaningful contact with a non-Chinese Malaysian.

The effect of these parallel lives is further worsened by occupation – the civil service is dominated by Malays and some segments of the private sector are reflective of a particular race; living arrangements – neighbourhoods are increasingly being defined by the dominance of one race; and lifestyle – the proliferation of satellite television and the Internet has allowed people to stay within their cultural silos 24/7 – for instance constantly watching television channels of their own mother tongue (although some things like Bollywood movies temporarily break the silos by cutting across ethnic divides).

In the first part of this article, I focused on education.  The other things may be important but I think the fundamental contributor to the perpetuation of these parallel lives is our democratised but divisive education system.  The existence of multiple types of schools has successfully driven a wedge between young Malaysians at their most formative years, and we have been reduced to solving this problem of polarisation and its ugly corollary, intolerance, with expensive band-aids like the national service programme.

I also pointed out two important things regarding this debate about one single school system (the Sekolah Kebangsaan) versus the present multiple-type situation.  First, there is a fallacy that if national schools taught mother-tongue languages (Mandarin and Tamil), improve quality and discipline, and addressed the common complaint that these schools have become too Malay or Islamic in character, more non-Malay parents will send their children there as opposed to vernacular schools. 

The survey results which I presented in my last column showed that a majority of Chinese parents would still send their kids to vernacular Chinese schools even if all the above reforms took place.  What was more alarming was that 60% of the respondents said that sending their children to different schools from other Malaysian kids would not worsen ethnic relations.  Essentially, this is an argument for cultural exclusivity and one that is not based on the quality of education.

Second, politically, the single school option appeared to be a non-starter.  No political party, on either side of the divide, will touch this for fear of losing votes from the affected communities. This means the parallel lines that define the state of our union are set to continue making the reality of a more united people more of a myth than a reality.

So what do we do?  I have thought long and hard about this problem and I see it as one of the most critical issues that prevents us from progressing any further.  At first, I was going to suggest more Band-Aids like having more joint activities between different types of schools or joint assemblies and other platforms, which would increase contact hours between our kids.  But then I realised that would not even be close to enough.

I looked at the problem again and revisited what I previously thought to be undoable – a single national school. I think the problem with this suggestion in the past was that it didn’t tell us how this could be politically workable. Proponents would state the obvious about its benefits, especially on unity, and maybe challenge what some perceived as a constitutional guarantee for the existence of vernacular schools. But that would pretty much be the sum of the argument. It did not really tell you how this could actually happen, especially with the political stakes involved.

Here’s my suggestion. We can solve the parallel-lives problem by creating a single, unitary education system where all Malaysian kids go to the same school – the Sekolah Kebangsaan. They would have maximum contact hours with each other during their formative years and grow up together. But that is not really the big idea. The big idea is about how to achieve this and more.

My proposal is nothing short of radical. I figured, since we have pretty much run out of effective Band-Aids, I think every option should be considered, even ones that appear sacrilegious. Recently, I tweeted that there needs to be a generational reset in Malaysian politics. Some people who read this took it to mean that we need to see younger leaders come through the ranks. That is, of course, true but it is also stating the obvious and not what I meant.

What I am calling for is a hard reboot of our country. When we reset everything, it allows us to reshape the basis of our union so that it reflects the challenges of our generation. Now, I am not advocating constitutional amendments but rather for us to revisit and rewrite our “social contract”.

We have to remember, when the original bargain was struck, Malaysia was a very different place. The original social contract had to strike a balance between the legitimate concerns of the Malays about their position and also the desire for then immigrants to be part of this land as citizens. But much of the details were filled in later. The spirit of certain constitutional provisions like Article 153 was used to partly justify some aspects of ethnic-preferential policies. The education system was not touched under the original social contract – it allowed for the continued existence of mother-tongue schools.

So while the original social contract was relevant for its time, it does not offer us with enough solutions or room to maneuver today. What we need is a new concord among Malaysians that will help us address not only the never-ending parallel-lives issue but also deal with other fundamental issues regarding preferential policies.

Now, before I am dismissed as a traitor to my own ethnic community, let me stress something. Fundamental provisions in the constitution like Article 153 mentioned earlier would not be touched. There is no threat to the religion of Islam, the Malay language or to the Malay rulers. I think all Malaysians can agree to this.

What I am suggesting is a new contract that can directly address fundamental issues in education and the economy. This would cover the issue of having multiple types of schools in Malaysia and also resolve the long-running impasse on ethic preferences in the economy.

What could possibly come out of this new concord is a single, unitary school system and clear deadlines to New Economic Policy-type programmes of ethnic preferences.  This new national consensus will put the interests of all Malaysians ahead of any one community, guided by the principles of fairness, justice and unity. For this to work, we need to ensure it’s a workable plan. 

Here are the mechanics for delivering a new social contract:  First, we set up a national consultative council framework.  This has been done in the past, especially before formulating the New Economic Policy and its successor, the National Development Plan.  Basically, key stakeholders ranging from non governmental organisations to subject matter experts are invited to essentially debate and agree on parameters for new policies and programmes.  This is to secure stakeholder buy-in from the start.

What is more important than the consultation aspect of this is to get the politics out of it.  If we take the example of a single-school system, there would be no agreement among political parties because no one will want to take the first plunge.  It is akin to a political prisoners’ dilemma – which is why it is not that important to get buy-in from politicians in the model I am proposing. 

Although all political parties – from both sides – would be invited to the consultative council, they would not be the focus of the social contract, unlike pre-Merdeka.  Left to the politicians (and I am acutely aware that I am one myself), there will be no new agreement.  So, this time they cannot obstruct a new consensus with incessant politicking.  All they need to do is to commit to the process and agree with the final outcome.

If the consultative council can fashion a consensus concerning the education system, for example, that agreement would be put to the people for ratification.  Again, the idea is to circumvent politics.  Taken to Parliament, these big ideas and reforms may die a quick, painful death.  Instead we recognise these changes to be fundamental and in need of a more broad-based acclamation.  We take it to a referendum.

Now, the main problem with referendums especially when it involves ethnic considerations (as it would in the case of the education proposal) is tyranny of the majority.  Simply put, in Malaysia’s case, since the Malay/bumiputera community is in the majority, it is conceivable that a referendum would support a single-school system – which is why I would like to suggest a proportionate referendum. 

So, in order for there to be popular, public ratification, each ethnic community would need to show majority support for the reforms.  This means, for example, more than half of the Malay community, Chinese community and so on agreeing before it becomes part of a new social contract.

If there is public endorsement for a social contract then there will have to be a transitional period for the changes to take place.  For education – if a new social contract succeeds in securing majority support for a single school system – there will have to be a transitional period of maybe 10 years or one school life-cycle before national schools become the only available route. 

This would give time to address qualitative issues surrounding national schools, the provisional mother-tongue language classes and other concerns parents currently have. Similarly, for economic issues like ethnic preferences, there will be a transitional period for phasing out some of these policies and moving to purely needs-based programmes.

So, the solution to parallel lives in education cannot be solved with tinkering with the system. We have to insist on a single-school solution. But we must do it as part of a generational reset where we agree to a new social contract that has broad legitimacy from the people and is unobstructed by politics.

The referendum may yet fail. Howeverm if there is conviction and belief that if we strike a new contract for our time where there will ultimately be give and take but our collective future together will be much more secure, stable and prosperous, I think the majority of Malaysians will opt for this hard reboot. To me, there really is no other choice.

Inilah agaknya yang Dato Seri Najib tergilakan sangat

22 10 2011

Dato Seri Najib mencurahkan berjuta-juta ringgit kepada sekolah BUKAN KEBANGSAAN, walaupun sekolah-sekolah tersebut telah mendapat sokongan kewangan dari “billionaires” menjadikan sekolah-sekolah tersebut jauh lebih mewah dari sekolah-sekolah kebangsaan yang banyak lagi masih daif …

Dato Seri Najib begitu tegar mendokong pendidikan vernakular ini yang meletakkan BAHASA KEBANGSAAN jauh di PUNGGUNG apabila hanya menggunakan bahasa cina asing dan bahasa Inggeris..

Anak bangsa yang lahir dari pendidikan vernakular ini juga memilih negara asing sebagai KIBLAT mereka..

Inilah yang amat dikesali… negara MALAYsia yang mempunyai pemimpin seperti Dato Seri Najib ini.

Di terbitkan di bawah ini artikel ringkas dari laman LISTED!!! yang memetiknya dari laman HELEN ANG:-

Sekolah cina Kesayangan Najib (yg selalu dicurahkan berjuta-juta ringgit) – Yang berkiblatkan cina

Baru-baru ini pada Sept 17, Guan Eng telah merasmikan pembukaan Bangunan Wawasan, iaitu satu blok baru, di Heng Ee.

Bangunan Wawasan yang lapan tingkat itu mempunyai dua dewan serbaguna, perpustakaan, unit ko-kurriculum, bilik muzik serta menyediakan kemudahan ICT.

Dewan Peniagaan Cina Pulau Pinang atau Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce (PCCC) telah menyumbang sebanyak RM2 juta untuk pembinaan bangunan tersebut.


…pesanan pengetua sekolah Heng Ee adalah dalam bahasa Cina dan bahasa Inggeris sahaja. Tidak ada versi dalam bahasa kebangsaan.

Pengetua itu, Goh Boon Poh, memberitahu dalam pesanannya bahawa orkestra sekolah Heng Ee telah membuat lawatan ke Beijing dan Taiwan pada 2008.

Baca juga bagaimana Perdana Menteri Malaysia (Datuk Seri Utama Dr Rais
 Yatim yang mewakili Dato Seri Najib) dihinakan di sebuah majlis sekolah cina di Pulau Pinang. Sepatutnya Dato Seri Najib hadir sendiri ke majlis tersebut tanpa mewakilkannya kepada Datuk Seri Utama Dr Rais Yatim.  Sila klik artikel dari laman TOK JEN,HAN CHIANG COLLEGE GOLDEN ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS “.

Lagi Isu PPSMI

21 10 2011

Sudden switch to BM for Science Students

PETALING JAYA: Students who began their Standard One in 2003 under the English stream – where Science and Mathematics were taught in English – are now expected to learn Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics in Bahasa Malaysia when they go to Form Four next year.

The change in the “teaching process” has got parents in the urban Klang Valley are all frantic with anxiety. They are trying to get the Education Ministry to clear up the matter.

So far the bewildered parents have received no statements from their respective school heads but worried students have told their parents that “all Form Four subjects will be taught only in Bahasa Malaysia”.

A housewife, who wanted to be known only as Siva, from Subang Jaya said: “Everyone is confused… I went to inquire from my son’s school and was told that they were waiting for the ministry’s directive. But they said they were unofficially told that the teaching will be in Bahasa Malaysia if you have more than 15 Malay students in Form Four.

“I called the Education Ministry last week to verify this and an officer told me that the teaching of all science subjects in Form Four will be in Bahasa Malaysia.

“She also said some schools have a choice of teaching in English or Bahasa Malaysia depending on how many Malay students they have.”

Let them complete SPM

Another worried parent, who preferred to be called Tan, from Taman Desa, said the new policy was “not fair to our children”.

“We were told at the onset when this batch started Standard One in 2003 that they will complete their Science and Maths in English until SPM (Form Five).

“They should just let them finish it. How can they (the ministry) victimise this batch of students now?

“It’s rubbish to say the exams will be set in dwibahasa (dual language), but all the teaching in the class will be in Bahasa Malaysia.

“Why confuse the students? Already, they are under so much pressure.

“What will happen if the students answer the exam questions in English? Are there enough English proficient teachers and examiners who can give them a fair reading?

“Can the ministry guarantee that our children who answer their exam paper in English will not be victimised?” asked Tan.

No ‘dwi’ bahasa textbook

Another concerned parent, Dr Raja, from Damansara, said he had gone around the bookshops and private stores looking for Form Four Chemistry and Biology books for his son and was shocked to find only Bahasa Malaysia textbooks.

He said the government had promised that the Science and Mathematic books would be ready before it implemented the MBMMBI (Upholding the Malay Language, Strengthening the English Language) policy in 2012.

But now that parents are wanting to prepare their children for the hard days ahead, there are no books available.

“How are we supposed to assist and prep our children if we cannot find dual language textbooks? I assume the teachers are also not readyto teach the subjects,” said Raja.

“This is crazy. We are not against the Education Ministry’s Bahasa Malaysia policy.

“But it is absolute stupidity to teach the students in English from Standrad One until Form Three and then switch to Bahasa Malaysia in Form Four and Form Five.

“What assurance is there that there are sufficient and capable examiners who will mark their English answers in SPM fairly?

“As it is, my wife spotted so many errors in the ministry-level quarterly tests papers the students sat for regularly before PMR,” said Raja.

BN doesn’t care

Unhappy parents from several schools in Subang Jaya, Damansara and Old Klang Road are now demanding that the Education Ministry stick to its earlier promise, made in 2002, to allow this batch of students to complete their SPM education in English.

But whether the Barisan Nasional-led government will compromise and rescind its decision is a worrying question as most of the complaining parents are from the opposition-held urban areas.

Said a grassroots political activist here, who declined to be named: “In this country, schools, universities and education as a whole are a political issue.

“Education here is not about building minds… it is about churning out loyalists which begins with schools and language.

“(Education Minister) Muhyiddin (Yassin) was firm when he announced a non-reversal of the MBMMBI policy.

“They’ve (BN) done their groundwork and know that those who will complain are the Chinese and Indians, especially those living in the urban areas.

“These are political seats they have already lost… regaining these seats will be a struggle for BN so I don’t expect the BN government to be too concerned about our children.

“Their general perspective of us is that we are disloyal and avaricious.”

Muhyiddin firm on policy

In October last year, Muhyiddin told Parliament that the government will not return to the policy of teaching and learning Science and Mathematics in English (PPSMI).

He said the new MBMMBI policy was in line with the country’s need to dignify Bahasa Melayu as the national language.

Bernama reported Muhyiddin, who is also Deputy Prime Minister, as saying that the government would not turn back on its decision as it “could not please every group”.

He said the government had set 2012 for its implementation and that students in Year Four, Form One and Form Four would be affected.

Muhyiddin had at the time urged parents not be unduly worried about the reversal of policy.

He said the government was already taking preliminary measures to implement the new policy in 2012.

“We may even have to recruit English teachers from abroad,” he said, adding that the implementation of the new policy also meant that Science and Mathematics textbooks need to be produced in Bahasa Malaysia as well as a new curriculum for teaching English

Bahasa Kebangsaan Yang Terus Dikhianati di bumi sendiri

20 10 2011

Bacul Dayuskah Bangsaku?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Pariakah bangsaku yang sedang dilambung Tsunami celaru Bahasa Melayu?

Baculkah bangsaku sehingga ambil enteng keliru Bahasa Melayu?

Dayus sangatkah bangsaku sehingga Bahasa Melayu dipinggir kali yang kontang?

Kini Polis Di Raja Malaysia yang rakyatnya 93.6% rakyat Raja sudah hilang wibawa, dek tunduk kepada Bahasa Mandarin untuk urusan dalam Negara Bangsanya sendiri!

Kini Perdana Menteri Malaysia, nang tika, berkunjung ke Pulau Mutiara sudah hilang taring perkasa Almarhum Bapanya, dek tunduk kepada Bahasa Inggeris dalam Ucapan Rasmi di sana, tempohari?

Kini urusan Mesyuarat di Kementerian Pelancongan yang dikepalai oleh Dr. Ng Yen Yen sudah mendominasi Bahasa Mandarin sebagai bahasa rasmi permesyuaratan Kementerian dan pentadbiran. Apa maknanya ini?

Kini urusan penulisan perbankan di semua institusi kewangan berlesen, perundangan dan kerjaya profesional, gamaknya, makin luput kecintaan kepada Bangsanya dan Bahasa Melayunya!

Kini penyakit Orientalisme Bahasa Inggeris, obor Bahasa Mandarin telah mencabul nikmat yang makin mendorong kepada kembalinya KERANDA 152! Apa maknanya ini?

Kini gelombang pegawai PTD yang kekok dan berbahasa Melayu lintang pukang sudah membarahi persada Persekutuan, akhirnya Bumi Melayu akan hilangnya jatidiri juga tafsiran Melayu dalam 160(2).

Wahini, Bahasa Melayu dikelas sebagai Bahasa Kelas Ketiga oleh pentadbir, pengurus, teknokrat, diplomat dan cendiakawan. Bahari, perjuangan Tunku Abdul Rahman Al-Haj, Tun Abdul Razak Hussin dan Tun Hussein Onn ialah untuk Negara Malaysia diperakui sebagai Bumi Melayu, rakyatnya fasih berkomunikasi Bahasa Melayu dan taat setia kepada tamadun adat dan budaya Melayu.

Apakah sudah tercabut akar atau ini ialah Balasan Allah kepada manusia seperti yang difirman olehnya sebanyak 32 kali dalam surah Ar-Rahman, “Maka yang mana satu di antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhan, yang kamu hendak dustakan?

Usaha “Mencinakan” MALAYsia terus berleluasa – Sememangnya wajar ditarikbalik kerakyatan mereka

19 10 2011

Sebuah terbitan bulan Mei daripada SUARA PERKASA


“Keadilan untuk Lim Lian Geok”

Suntingan oleh SemasaMay 10, 2011

Kuala Lumpur 10Mei2011: Perkasa di maklumkan melalui satu laporan berita berbahasa Cina dan Engeris keluaran tempatan telah menyiarkan berita bahawa satu perhimpunan bagi melancarkan kempen yang di beri nama “Keadilan untuk Lim Lian Geok” telah di adakan pada hari Ahad baru baru ini di Dewan perhimpunan Cina Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur (Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall)

Terdapat hampir 600 orang dari pelbagai NGO Cina termasuk Zong Dong hadir di majlis tersebut. diantara lain majlis tersebut diadakan adalah bagi mendesak kerajaan agar mengembalikan kerayatan mendian Lim Lian Geok yang di telah dilucutkan kerana menuntut agar sekolah jenis kebangsan Cina di beri status dan bantuan sama rata saperti sekolah kebangsaan (bantuan penuh kerajaan).

Jelas sekali disini mereka ini cuba bermain semula dengan isu kesamarataan didalam pelbagai bentuk, walaupun semasa era Tun Dr Mahathir perkara tidak pernah di layan dan sekolah jenis kebangsaan Cina masih terus kekal beroperasi.

Perkasa memandang sirius dengan desakan kaum Cina yang tidak habis habis mendesak kerajaan untuk memberi kesamarataan pada sekolah mereka sedang mereka lupa kerajaan sudah cukup baik membiarkan sekolah jenis kebangsaan ini terus beroperasi.

Melihat pada desakan desakan yang mereka buat pada ketika ini (di ketika kerajaan di lihat lemah) tidak salah jika di anggarkan bahawa terdapat tangan tangan ghaib atau kerja kerja menyemai pemikiran komunis masih menebal untuk terus menghasut segelintir kaum Cina ini dan oleh itu adalah wajar mereka ini di dakwa di bawah akta asutan,

Perkasa akan membuat laporan polis berikutan dengan majlis “Keadilan untuk Lim Lian Geok” , yang mana difahamkan bahawa mendiang telah ditarik kerayatan dan mati 26 tahun dahulu,Ini bererti ianya telah lama meninggal dunia dan tidak memerlukan kerayatan semula, mesti ada sesuatu yang tersembunyi menjadikan mereka beria ia untuk menuntut “keadilan” buat Lim.

Untuk tindakan segera kepada pihak berkuasa, Perkasa memohon agar mereka mereka yang bertindak sebagai penganjur majlis ini perlulah di tarik semula kerayatan mereka dan dikeluarkan senarai sebagai daftar pengundi.

Betrayal to the Nation

18 10 2011

Perpetuation of betrayal

Another betrayal [from here].

UEC syllabus was DIFFERENT from the national syllabus

and yet UEC students are allowed to take PTPTN loans, granted scholarship and those with 4 credits can apply for teacher training course

really reminds me of the blood sucking pacat [leech].


‘dedalu’ is more apt. dedalu is a type of local parasitic plant.

pacats suck blood from the host until they are sated then fall off thus leaving the host to replenish the blood bank.

dedalu will suck the host tree dry and eventually kills off the host

KUALA LUMPUR: The Government has set up a technical committee to work on the feasibility of allowing Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) students to study in local public universities, said MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.

Dr Chua said he, deputy party president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai and other MCA leaders had met Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, who is also the Education Minister, and Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin to discuss the matter.

He said both Muhyiddin and Mohamed Khaled had agreed to form a technical committee to look into the matter and MCA was confident that the Government would approve its proposal.

Speaking at a dinner with 210 non-governmental organisations in Kepong last night, Dr Chua said that since the UEC syllabus was different from that of the national education, the Malaysian Qualifications Agency would need to spend more time assessing the independent school syllabus.

The UEC is equivalent to the national school’s STPM. It is for students who have completed six years of education in Chinese independent high schools.

“The Government is aware that the UEC is a high standard certificate.

“Therefore, it now allows UEC students to take National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) loans, grants scholarships to the top 50 UEC students annually and also allows those who scored four credits in the examination to apply for teacher training course,” Dr Chua said.