2012 in review

31 12 2012

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. This blog had 53,000 views in 2012. If each view were a film, this blog would power 12 Film Festivals

Click here to see the complete report.

Selamat Menyambut Hari Natal

24 12 2012

Taati pemimpin pun ada batasnya…

3 12 2012

Paneh Miang


Jika mahu mengiktiraf Najib kerana mendaulatkan sekolah vernakular sebagai agen perpecahan perpaduan antara kaum, mungkin boleh dipuji; tetapi nak kata Najib banyak berjasa terhadap survival bangsa Melayu…masih terlalu awal untuk dibuat penilaian.

Baca artikel penuh DI SINI.

“SATU BAHASA SATU BANGSA SATU NEGARA” tidak perlu dinodai oleh “1-Malaysia” yang mencelarui identiti negara bangsa

19 11 2012
  • Remember when KEMPEN SSS was first launched by the Deminegara community? It was way back in August 2009.. over 3 years ago..
  • LOOK AT THE LOGO BELOW and read the tagline when the KEMPEN SSS Logo was designed by (presumably) a member of the Deminegara community. What does the tag line say?
Now read, HOT FROM THE OVEN… latest article by KijangMas of Deminegara.
(You melayu or me-LAYU or malaiyoos or malai lembus MUST READ this article by KijangMas)

—>>>> CLICK HERE !!! <<<—

Apakah tagline yang dipilih sempena Bulan Bahasa Kebangsaan tahun ini?
What say you Mr. BAPAK VERNAKULAR?

Between sips of bad coffee and soggy burrito in a place chock full of people, I observed the American berbagai bangsa tapi satu bahasa phenomenon in action. You see, Americans come in all colours and origins. My Santa Monica zipcode alone has over 120 ethnic/national groups. Malaysian diversity is nothing compared to these parts. But unlike confused Malaysia, these people proudly speak in one language — English — although less than a third of Americans have English-speaking ancestors. 

“hey its interesting to see these people, irrespective of colour or creed, communicating clearly and confidently in one language, as one proud patriotic nationality, in one country” – hence, Satu Bahasa, Satu Bangsa, Satu Negara.


Menggadai Negara kerana undi politik?

14 11 2012




Education and the Invasive Species

  • Bro SatD highlighted to me something interesting a couple of days ago.
  • Remember Teeny Weeny? Yup, the cherubic crybaby who threatened to lodge a police report against the Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua grassroots movement started right here in DN.
  • Now, this very same Teeny Weeny recently launched (in his capacity as the Deputy Education minister) the Bulan Bahasa Kebangsaan Sektor Pendidikan 2012. The catchy tagline for this month-long observance is none other than the SSS’s own Satu Bahasa, Satu Bangsa, Satu Negara. Yes folks, the very same motto emblazoned in the SSS logo.

This is indeed a fortuitous aberration wrapped in a delicious irony stuck up the ass of Teeny Weeny. So Teeny Weeny, SSS is not going to go away. It would hit you in similar cryptic ways in the time to come.

Below is the report, in the gutter media no less!

  • As for the Satu Bahasa, Satu Bangsa, Satu Negara tagline, it occurred to me in a dusty diner on California Highway 41 literally in the middle of nowhere between San Luis Obispo and Fresno not far from James Dean’s crash site. I had driven my trusty Hummer H2 (not another Michael Chia gift lah; this beast was bought used for US$35,600 four years ago) up from LA to view some ranch land offered for a song, a distressed asset hard hit by America’s real estate meltdown at that time.
  • Between sips of bad coffee and soggy burrito in a place chock full of people, I observed the American berbagai bangsa tapi satu bahasa phenomenon in action. You see, Americans come in all colours and origins. My Santa Monica zipcode alone has over 120 ethnic/national groups. Malaysian diversity is nothing compared to these parts. But unlike confused Malaysia, these people proudly speak in one language — English — although less than a third of Americans have English-speaking ancestors. 
  • Back to the diner scene, I observed an Asian chap, with Hispanic chick in tow, heartily discussing NFL football with a couple of White guys — in English of course. Standing in line was a half dozen ethnic-Korean LA high school kids Americanized to their kimchi core trading banter and teenage lingo in perfect San Fernando Valley twang.
  • My business associate in that trip, Andy (actually Andrei, an immigrant from Belarus) shared with me that intriguing scene of a multicoloured, multicultural huddled mass of humanity interacting proudly and boldly in one language. By his own admission, Andy himself has long foregone his Russian/Belarusian except for the occasional phonecall to Minsk.
  • I told Andy, “hey its interesting to see these people, irrespective of colour or creed, communicating clearly and confidently in one language, as one proud patriotic nationality, in one country” – hence, Satu Bahasa, Satu Bangsa, Satu Negara.
 Multiple colours and creeds. 
But one school, one language, one nation.


But what do we have back in Malaysia?


Yes, absolute, unadulterated language and cultural confusion.

And it’s going to get worse, people. Much worse.


Well, PM Najib Razak’s government itself is now a perpetrator of an unconstitutional outrage – the overt approval and recognition of vernacular schools.

You see, where other nations, even the multicoloured, multi-everything USA, have pushed a one school one language agenda for national cohesion, inexplicably the Najib government is now openly encouraging, financially supporting and perpetuating the vernacular school menace in our country.

No nation on the face of this earth is doing this.

This one act of stupidity, motivated by sheer political expediency, will guarantee Malaysia’s socio-linguistic and cultural confusion in perpetuity.

PM Najib himself recently proclaimed that Malaysia is:-

… the only country outside China which has got Chinese education as part of the national system. We have recognised Chinese education in Malaysia, and I think that is of great significance … Please see that in this context, we have recognised Chinese education as part of the national system.

Are we Malaysians supposed to be proud of this anomaly, a one-off phenomenon unseen anywhere else on earth?

Why should we?

PM Najib, why do you think our neighbours abolished Chinese schools decades ago? Do you know what Lee Kuan Yew thought of the Chinese educated? Of their inability to carry Singapore’s growth agenda, indeed, to ensure survival of the city state itself? I won’t elaborate on the Thai and Indonesian actions on Chinese schools as I have mentioned them many times in the past.

So why should Malaysia, our Tanah Tumpah Darah, be saddled with this one-of-a-kind burden? Another Malaysia Boleh moment? Yet another weird world’s first?

And this is not even constitutional. 

I challenge anyone from both sides of the political divide to rebut that statement. Show us where Chinese and Tamil schools are allowed in the Malaysian constitution. Where taxpayers money can be legally disbursed for these unconstitutional racket. Where UEC certificate holders can be given scholarships underwritten by our tax ringgits.


Mana ada.

Slowly but surely, our constitution is ignored and circumvented to suit ill-fated political adventurism. Many non-Malays and now PM Najib himself don’t take our constitution seriously.

And they will do this at their peril.

On hindsight, fortunately the framers of our constitution were not vote-seeking political desperados. They were thoughtful scholars geared to please neither the stateless pendatangs nor the Malay masses. They had to forge a practical blueprint for nation-building for an eclectic collection of nine petty Sultanates and two colonial enclaves in a turbulent region quivering from the undercurrents of post-colonialism. Malay Rights and Privileges, status of the Malay language, status of Islam, status of the Malay rulers, Malay reserved lands, and the Malay Regiment were all key pillars of this embryonic edifice of nationhood. National cohesion underpinned by a strong, unmistakable Malay essence was the goal, indeed, the key guarantor of the federation’s long term tenability.

But today?

Political desperation has driven PM Najib to commit this constitutional sacrilege. He thought he could buy Chinese votes by dishing out all sorts of extra-constitutional bribes and goodies. In effect, he is trying to out-Chinese the Chinese, by giving something to the detriment of all to get something for the benefit of few.

Would these myopic giveaways sway the Chinese votes? 

No. Absolutely not.

The Indians, having tasted DAP racism and Hindraf implosion, may partly sway to the BN. But not the Chinese. They are hell bent on consolidating their new found political clout in what they perceive as the dawn of a new Malaysia.

No amount of giveaway and sweet talk by Ah Jib Gor (那鸡哥) will change their stand. Indeed, they are even more determined now, having interpreted PM Najib’s unprecedented appeasement as a sign of weakness, the manifestation of a stumbling, flailing prey ready for the PRU13 knockout punch.

Till this day, PM Najib does not understand the inner workings of the Chinese mind. These descendants of the hardy sin kheh respect strength and decisiveness. And they can smell a calculative rat bearing false gifts from a mile away. Unless of course you are Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim, the chief Malai Lembu who has sold his soul to the DAP tokongs, indeed to anyone else and at any cost, to aid his quest to be Prime Minister. You see, the Chinese can also smell political sleazoids like Brother Anwar, this time from two miles away. His psychotic obsession to be PM is also viewed by the Chinese as a weakness. And they are exploiting this weakness to the core, as the golden opportunity for them to grab Putrajaya albeit embedded inside a malleable Malai Lembu façade.

Either way, they have gained concessions beyond their wildest dreams.

Let’s be frank here.  The Chinese is an invasive species wherever they set foot on this earth. Even China was not so “China” until a thousand years ago when Chinese hordes radiated out of their Yellow river habitat to crowd out adjacent ethno-cultural groups, from the Manchus of the north to the Tibetans and Uighurs in the far west to the various southern ethnics of Yunnan.

Like snakeheads and Asian carps in America, this invasive species, given half a chance, would devour and obliterate everything in its wake. In Malaysia, politics is their new frontier, the ultimate guarantor of their preferred ecosystem in this foreign land. Malay preeminence, indeed the very essence of this nation, is relentlessly challenged. Riding on the backs of the dumber-than-dumb Malai Lembus of PAS and PKR, this invasive species will not relent until they supplant the divided Malays and govern this nation by proxy.

Part of this process involves wholesale troublemaking, to destabilise the status quo, to agitate the masses, to rock the habitat by provoking the admittedly complacent Malays into innumerable little skirmishes over race, language, religion, education, culture and everything else under the sun. Everything must be questioned, unraveled and brought into disrepute. Heck, even the origin of the Malays has become a point of contention. A typical SJKC-minted cyber nut would openly declare that the “Malay Race” does not exist! In their ching-chong ching-chong cyberchats, the Melayus are just a random collection of transplanted Nusantara transients with little history of pre-colonial nationhood on this land that bears their name. Oh yes, Parameswara was an Indian fella, Hang Tuah was a Chinaman soldier of fortune, and “Melayu” means to “run away” in some obscure pre-Sailendran Javanese idiomatic nuance. Suddenly, Ms. Kum Hia Nao, a lambut kalat bimbo in a dingy unisex salon with a form three education morphs into an expert on Malay anthropology in her Facebook postings. Likewise, pimply-faced Sekolah Menengah-dropout Thong Sum Pah who failed Sejarah in Form One remove class has become an eloquent expert on the political history of the Hinduised Kingdoms of Southeast Asia, merrily typing away (atrocious grammar notwithstanding) fairytales of Malay history he picked up among likeminded cyberfriends.

Hilariously ridiculous as it may seem, this reflects the thought process of the invasive species. I can argue with these SJKC-minted cadres that my ancestors have ruled Kelantan since 1190 (over 200 years before Melaka existed) and our progenitor Langkasukan civilization (centered near present-day Yarang, Patani) dates back to 200AD per imperial Chinese records no less. But no. Not good enough. Their inner soul has already been shaped, fine-tuned and calibrated at the SJKC and Chinese Independent High School to abhor anything Malay, to dismiss Malay history, to dismiss their Malay Tuan Tanahs as lazy, tongkat-dependent numbskulls devoid of culture and identity. To these SJKC-poisoned crowd, the Malays, including PM Najib, is only one degree removed from the Indo maids and labourers they have been exploiting and mistreating all these years.

Once the prey is shed of its social status and dignity, with its history and culture stripped bare, relentless political offensive follows.

That’s the modus operandi of this invasive species.

First they stealthily slither into a pristine new habitat. Like the invasive snakehead fish dubbed fishzilla that is terrorising American rivers, they would methodically out-hunt, out-eat and out-breed the endemic species.

Then they would crowd out the natives who will be banished to less hospitable niches towards the road to oblivion.

Go to any supermarket check-out counter. Typically, the Chinese would be a minority in these lines, perhaps 4 to 6 out of 20. But notice who makes the most noise, the most obnoxious in manners and disposition, with the baddest, noisiest and meanest kids imaginable. Yes, this invasive species. I was in line at Ikea, Mutiara Damansara, last month. The aggressive shopping cart maneuverings and high volume ching-chong-ching-chong by four famiies, yes four, completely dominated the scene. The other 20 odd families waiting in line — mostly Malays, a couple of Indians and some Mat Sallehs — were reduced to nothing more than sedentary, captive audience forced fed a grotesque show of kurang ajar-ness. In loud pidgin Cantonese or Hokkien, the Ah Sohs would liberally throw comments about the stupidity of the Malay cashier, the old Mat Salleh’s brown ass girlfriend and the frail Makcik impeding their rush to the exit. Yup, ching-chong-ching-chong all the way to their luxury SUVs (… so much for a “repressed minority” eh?).

Same thing in a typical office or apartment elevator. You see, where you have six Malays and one Chinese, the ride would be blissfully quiet. You add just one more Chinese in the mix and you’ll have non-stop ching-chong-ching-chong from the 42nd floor all the way to Basement 3! And the Malays, typical of endemic species, would just look down, shut up and tolerate the noise pollution.

See the trend, the behavioral trait? Invasive species, though smallish in number, would typically expel the natives though sheer social turbulence and distruption of the habitat and food chain.

And to consolidate their hold in newly won habitats, the invasive species require strong reinforcements from subsequent generations. This is where Chinese schools come in, as the supplier of fresh young aggressive cadres with little exposure or affinity to the native Malays. These next-gen ching-chongers stick out like dog turd in the crowd. Go to any McDonald’s, even in Kota Bharu (near the UMK campus) in the Malay heartland. A few members of this invasive species would wreak havoc. In no time, the pleasant, relaxing ambience would degenerate into noisy, chaotic Pasar Borong free for all. Many Malay families would quickly consume their meal and leave the premises with a sense of anger and bewilderment.

Again, invasive species wins.

The cadre pipeline, Chinese schools, are the lifeblood of this invasive species. No SJKC, no more nasty little pests to push the invasion. Hence, it is not  surprising to witness their determined stand on Chinese schools.  True to their nature, these invasive species would fight tooth and nail to maintain their cadre production line, the means to expand their alien footprint in a new habitat at the expense of others.

 Malaysia Boleh!
Nowhere else on earth.
Three parallel educational universe underpin 
an angry, confused society.

So who’s the culprit behind this unprecedented SJKC building boom?

Kit Siang or Guan Eng. No.
Brother Anwar? No.
The long-skirted mullahs in flip flops. No.

Teeny Weeny? The chief alien, Donkey Kong’s Yap Sin Tian?

None of the above.

Then who?

PM Najib Razak.

Yes, PM Najib is the single biggest catalyst for the spread of the ching-chong-ching-chong invasive species in this country’s history.

 Down payment towards a chaotic future.
RM3 million down, another billion to give. 
Do you think that grinning Ah Pek will vote BN?

And the sad part is that all of his efforts — the hundreds of millions of taxpayers’ money squandered, the nation’s future compromised — would come to zilch as the Chinese would still vote DAP, PKR and their subservient Malai Lembu stooges of PAS. Yes, all the compromises, appeasement, giveaways, bribery and promises for nothing!

Go here for a taste of the arrogance and ungratefulness of this invasive species.

Boleh bincang sama ini macam punya manusia ka? Boleh kawtim ka? Boleh tolak ansur ka? Ya lah Jib, dia olang tolak, lu ansur-ansur undur.

Seriously, PM Najib must be a borderline compulsive obsessive delusional twit if he thinks he can seduce the emboldened Chinese with gifts and promises. Sorry lah Dato’ Seri, you don’t figure in their plans post PRU13. Sure, being the predatory invasive species that they are, they will sapu and tibai whatever gifts you throw at them. They might even say talima kasih latok sili  to your face in front of the cameras. But they are already deadset in their political roadmap, and you are not in the picture. 

Meanwhile, the invasive species marches on, gaining more ground as the hopelessly divided Malays reel under the weight of their own political stupidity. More SJKCs would be demanded. More independent Chinese secondary schools would be demanded. The banishment of non “Chinese language qualified” teachers, even teachers of Bahasa Melayu, would be demanded. More of everything would be demanded …. and more would be given to them.

“We want more, we want more, we want more of everything. 
Chinese schools are enshrined in the constitution.”
Yeah right Ah Seng, the constitution of what country? People’s Republic of China?

So how now? Macam mana sekarang bang?

Sorry, its already too late for the hows and the macam manas.

We rakyat tanggung saja lah.

As for the Melayus, don’t blame the invasive species. You yourselves created this problem. 

According to the 2010 census,Malays and other Bumiputras make up almost 70% of the population. Yes, almost three-quarters! Yet your behaviour andmindset is akin to a powerless minority, outmaneuvered on all fronts by the cunning invasive species constantly threatening your livelihood and unsettling your way of life. Even “Allah” must be shared now. You don’t even have a collective agenda. You bicker among yourselves over petty stuff, often reduced to juvenile name calling and taunting — Khalid Gagap, Khalid Gereja, Si Kitol, Imam Selipar, Si Kemetot, Mike Tyson, B.A.B.I., Isa Doraemon, Semi Value, Mahafiraun, Tokong, Al-Kataki, Musang Hitam, Big Mama ……..  macam-macam ada. You see, when your take on national politics is reduced to the level of TV3’s Melodi, you are in trouble, big time!

You have become tools of others. Nik Aziz, the PAS Chief Mullah, would regularly sanitise and “halalkan” racial and religious insults thrown by the DAP subversives. And UMNO is silent when MCA’s Soi Lek took it upon himself to repeatedly chastise hudud although it has no bearing on him or his fellow infidels.

Since the collapse of the Srivijayan thalassocracyat the end of the 13th century, there has never been a true Pan Malay leader, an empire builder, someone who could inspire, unite and mobilise the Malays into a cohesive socio-political force. Even during the Melaka Sultanate, Malays on both sides of the Melaka Straits were chopped and diced into little fiefdoms ruled by constantly conspiring potentates. The far away invasive species, the Portuguese, conquered Melaka with less than a thousand men and a dozen ships. How? Well, not often mentioned in history, they were aided by Malay disunity in the Melaka realm. If the Malays were united then, you seriously think a few hundred seasick soldados crowded in creaking carracks and caravels from Cochin and Goa could sail alive through the lanun infested straits and, laden with heavy arcabus matchlocks and espadas, could wade past the muddy mangrove to storm the stockades and subjugate thousands upon thousands of pahlawans and perwiras led by laksamanas on war elephants? It would be practically impossible.

Add in the double-crossing Chinaman and Indian element and Melaka met its doom. You see, in the heat of battle, true to their nature, the local Chinese merchants — who had greatly prospered under the hospitality and security of Melaka’s Malay rulers — gave the Portuguese five large junks complete with crew and provisions plus logistical details and battle secrets — Melaka’s troop strength, firepower, encampments, stockades, even the Sultan’s bunker! The local Indians (known as Klings those days) did their part in Melaka’s downfall as well. Nina Chatu, a wealthy sleazoid and favoured confidant of Sultan Mahmud Shah,  secretly passed letters from Rui de Araújo, one of 19 Portuguese held by the Sultan, to Afonso d’Albuquerque, detailing Melaka’s riches and fortifications. This became a catalyst for d’Albuquerque’s attack. Nina Chatu (and his Melaka Kling clansmen) would later vigorously assist the Portuguese in minting coinage and administering the city. For his collaboration, Nina Chatu was made Bendahara, a position later made hereditary for his lineage.

Another collaborator is Utimuti Raja, leader of the large Javanese community who secretly sent presents to d’Albuquerque and provided safe passage for the exhausted Portuguese force through Melaka’s Javanese quarter and joined the invasive species in the conquest. BTW, this Utimuti Raja character was later executed by the Portuguese when he got involved in too many deals and double deals with all sides of the conflict. See, invasive species have killer instinct and destroys any semblance of treachery among fellow predators.

Five hundred years later and not much have changed.

Look at Malaysian politics. Just like Melaka of a half-millenium ago, you Malays cannot see the threat of the treacherous invasive species on your own land and cannot rise above your trademark affliction of dengki, dendam and tamak haloba that has split your race three ways and with your lot now hurtling towards the abyss of political and economic oblivion. You are disunited in your own little habitat that is already under siege by today’s version of the Melaka Chinamen, Nina Chatu and Utimuti Raja. And again akin to history, you Malai Lembu types collaborate with the invasive species to your utter detriment, which you are too stupid to realise until nasi sudah menjadi bubur down the road. And you the PM throws taxpayers’ money at SJKC alien-production lines as if this is your only ticket for another five year stay in Seri Perdana.

Baca sejarah lah kengkawan! Bila dah di ulangi jangan pula menyesal …

So people, as PRU13 looms, Malaysia has not one but TWO men desperate to be Prime Minister at all costs: the can-give-everything incumbent and the will-give-everything challenger. Either way, the invasive species gains. Indeed, they have gained more in the last four plus years than the previous five decades.

Jadi bang, PRU13 undi siapa? Jembalang yang mana satu?

You decide.

Looking beyond PRU13, can this invasive species be contained, with the socio-economic and political ecosystem made amenable for the endangered endemics as well?

It is for the Malays themselves to answer. The old adage, Bersatu Tegoh, Bercerai Roboh would be a good guide. Add in a sense of Berdikari liberally spiced with Bekerja Keras and we may have some hope yet.

Would the Malays evolve out of practical necessity to out-maneuver and out-compete the invasive species? Would this sedentary native prey mutate and reload to mimic the survival traits of the ruthless predator?

We shall see.

Selamat Menyambut Hari Deepavali

13 11 2012


Language of Knowledge

9 11 2012



Bahasa Melayu Versus English As A Vehicle Of Knowledge For Malays

  • We are trying to make Bahasa Melayu a language of knowledge. (It has to be Bahasa Melayu because there is no such thing as a Bahasa Brunei or Bahasa Singapura where Bahasa Melayu is also the official language and spoken by the people).
  • The success or failure of making Bahasa Melayu a language of knowledge does not depend on  the number of new technical terms and scientific words which Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka has  succesfully ciplak from the English language. The success or failure of any language of knowledge depends on whether the people who speak that language (the Malay people) have become knowledgeable and sucessful in the sciences, arts, commerce and trade.  
  • Todate we are not satisfied yet with what has been achieved by the Malays. That is why we are still continuing with the affirmative action policies. That is why Proton is still pulling us down. That is why the former CEO of Proton who used to have ‘sembahyang hajat’ in the factory now (reportedly) runs a religious school. So we are not there yet.
  • And at the pace at which the rest of the world is galloping, it looks like the Malays are getting left even further behind. If not for Petronas’ oil money pouring into the Treasury, then we would be like Indonesia.
  • Everything is relative. The time taken to achieve something is also relative. Relative to what? Relative to the time taken by other people to achieve the same objectives.  When we take twice, three times or four times the amount of time as other people to achieve the same thing, then what we are doing is  WE ARE WASTING A LOT OF TIME, ENERGY, MONEY, RESOURCES AND OPPORTUNITY.
  • After 27 years Proton is still not going anywhere. We pay the highest car prices in the world to support Proton and other local car producers. Also to keep the AP industry alive. The question is for how many more years or how many more decades are we going to suffer this? Another 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 25 years?
  • Similarly, we can still take our time developing Malay into a language of knowledge, science and technology but how many more years is it going to take? It will happen eventually – but how many more years will it take? 20 years, 30 years, 50 years?
  • Please do not forget that Malay was a language of empire, world trade and it was a powerful language of the sea – the Malays were a global seafaring people – to New Zealand, Madagascar and up to Taiwan. In the Malay language of the Peninsula there are thousands of words that have been borrowed from Tamil, Sanskrit, Arabic and lately Portugese (there are about 1000 Portugese words in Malay including kereta and kerbau).  But that was a slow natural process that must have taken centuries to evolve. We dont have the luxury of centuries to do what we have to do.
  • Dr Kassim Ahmad says it is going to take about 90 years to forge a true Malaysian identity. He says 48 years have gone by. So there are 42  more years to go.  We always need more and more time.  (I think the Singaporeans have done a better job – in just 40 years).
  • When we finally develop Malay into a language of knowledge, the rest of the world will already be 50 years ahead of us again. We will forever be playing catching up. 
  • Remember folks, the objective is not just to make Malay a language of knowledge, science and technology. It is more important that we make the Malay people a society of knowledge, science and technology in the quickest possible time. People first. The people should always come first.  That is more important.
  • Isnt there a shorter method? Do we have to waste so much time? Do we have to give Proton another 25 years? Do we have to wait another 25 years for the Malay language to evolve?
  • To make Bahasa Melayu a language of knowledge the Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka and the other Bahasa Melayu warriors have gone into overdrive to ciplak English words into the Malay language.
  • Here are some examples just from the letter ‘A’ alone in the “modern” Malay dictionary or kamus “moden” :
  • autobiografi, audit, audio, astronomi, astrologi, asimilasi, asimetri, aset, artistik, arkeologi, aristokrat, aposisi, apati, anuiti, antonim, antologi, antitesis, (tesis), antisosial, (sosial), antiklimaks, (klimaks), antik, antidot, anemik, anekdot, anatomi, anarkis, analogi, analisis, anakronisme, (kronisme), anagram, amplitud, amnesia, amatur, amalgam, almanak, alibi, akuatik, akuedak, akaun, agregat, agresif, afirmatif, afidavit, aerobatik, aerodinamik, (dinamik), akademik.
  • I think you get the idea. This is less than half way through just the letter ‘A’ from one Malay dictionary.  If you look up other Malay dictionaries (Kamus Am, Kamus Oxford, Kamus Dewan Bahasa etc) you will find thousands of other words that are basically ciplak from the English language into Malay.
  • The Malay language warriors especially those guys at the Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka say that by doing this they are fighting to ‘memperkasakan Bahasa Melayu‘. Obviously they are talking through their @$$.
  • Now here is the problem when you ciplak thousands of English words into the Malay language. It will actually slow down the process of understanding and acquiring new knowledge for the Malays.
  • This is because every word in any language has a meaning that is usually supported by some larger concept behind it, which is peculiar or specific only to that language.  In short, each word has a short story behind it unique to that particular language.
  • Lets take the English word fermentation.
  • You can say that alchoholic drinks like wine and beer are made through the ‘process of fermentation’. 
  • When food goes bad you can also say, ‘it has begun to ferment’. 
  • When the Arabs run riot in the Arab Spring you can say, ‘it has been fermenting for some time’. 
  • Fermentation is used to describe something (food, drink, people) who are undergoing a change from one state to another state.
  • Every word has its short history, a larger concept, its nuances in its original language. The same goes for Malay, Chinese, Japanese, German etc.
  • Now, anyone who speaks in that language will quickly understand the nuances and the short story of each individual word.  It does not matter if you are a Punjabi learning Russian, a Malay learning French, an Italian learning Malay or a Chinese learning English – you will soon understand and appreciate how the words are used in that language.
  • But when you simply take English words and force feed it into the Malay language by adding a ‘i’ or ‘k’ or ‘t’ at the end (inovasi, dinamik, audit) it does not mean that you instantly also import the short story or the larger concept behind that English word also into the Malay language. That will not happen immediately. It is sometimes impossible.  Even though the new word appears in the Malay dictionary, it is still an alien word to the Malays.
  • Yes I know, if we can wait a few centuries, then of course these words will eventually be absorbed by the Malay people. Just like Arabic, Tamil, Sanskrit, Portugese have all been absorbed by the  Malay people – but that is a process that took centuries.  In multi racial, multi cultural Malaysia THE MALAYS do not have the luxury of waiting for so long.  Sampai bila pun cannot catch up.
  • Then the other reason why these English ciplak words cannot expedite the absorption of knowledge, commerce, science and technology by the Malays is because thse ciplak English words do not form any part of the everyday conversation between a mother and daughter in the house. Or between a father and son in the house. Or between neighbours in the kampong. Or between Malay people in the surau, in the towns, in the condominiums and the housing areas.
  • Rarely are words like  “antidot, anemik, anekdot, anatomi, anarkis, analogi, analisis, anakronisme, (kronisme), anagram, amplitud, amnesia, amatur, amalgam, almanak, alibi, akuatik, akuedak, akaun, agregat, agresif” used in everyday conversation.
  • Do you want to know why? Because these are English words kawan. That is why.  You cannot go back home to Tembeling or Parit and say anarkis, analogi, analisis. Orang tak faham. These are English words lah !  So when people insist that these ciplak words from the English language will now magically become Malay words and make Bahasa Melayu a language of knowledge – it is not going to happen. You are terribly confused.
  • And you are denying the Malay people a fast track towards becoming a modern and scientific society.  Ok I agree, kalau nak tunggu a few centuries to become a scientific society boleh lah but by that time the human beings may have colonised the planet Mars.
  • The faster and cheaper option is to use English on a very widespread scale.  Especially the learning of science based subjects, mathematics based subjects and management subjects in the English language.
  • Only then will words like asset, annuity, equity, dynamics, aerodynamics and fermentation be easier to absorb. These words form the everyday usage of the English language. As you use the English language you will automatically understand the wider concepts, the history and the usage of these words which is part and parcel of the language. And MOST IMPORTANTLY you will faster gain the knowledge that is being conveyed.
  • If there is such a ciplak  word as ‘fermentasi’ in the Malay dictionary, it will only refer to the fermentation of alchohol.  But if CNN says, ‘the Arabs have been fermenting..’ then people here might understand it as ‘Arab dah jadi arak’. That would be incorrect.  This is why people may end up saying, ‘you can come to my State and eat fish burn (ikan bakar)‘.
  • Pasal apa budak Melayu tak boleh belajar Inggeris? Habis macam mana depa boleh jadi expert bahasa Arab pula?  Depa boleh hafiz Quran dalam bahasa Arab? Budak umur enam tahun boleh belajar Arab. So why cant they learn English? English is much simpler to learn than Arabic.
  • In English there is a car, a pencil, a hill and a bag. In Arabic the car is female, the hill is male. There are different words in Arabic for one car, two cars, many cars. It is more difficult. There are different words for one female gender object, two female gender objects and plural female gender objects. The same repeats for male gender objects. Yet Malay students have no problem learning Arabic in the sekolah agama or the kelas agama.
  • Habis pasal apa depa tak suka, tak mahu atau tak boleh belajar Inggeris? There is no excuse. If the Malays can learn Arabic, then they can learn any language on the surface of this earth. There is no excuse.
  • In Singapore and Brunei, the Malays speak perfect English. In Singapore the Malay girls are the English news anchors on their TV.  Not only do they just read the news but they also analyse events and superbly interview people in English on TV.
  • The Malays in Brunei, especially their Civil Servants speak very good English. Of course knowledge of good English, plus being well read in English, makes it easier to have a conversation with them. They seem to know more of the real world.  Both in Brunei and Singapore their education system is English based, just like we were until the late 1970s.
  • Which is why some of our GLCs and some of our banks have started hiring English speaking Singaporean Malays for top jobs here, especially Malay women from Singapore. And consultants as well.  I can point names and name fingers too.  A Melayu Singapore can now be quite an asset in Kuala Lumpur. They can speak English.
  • Finally let me repeat again why we must teach Mathematics, Science and other subjects in English in our schools. In Malaysia (as in most developing countries) less than 2% of the population goes on to higher education after high school.
  • Even if 200,000 students per year enter degree, diploma and certificate courses in all our universities, colleges, institut kemahiran and institut latihan, that is LESS THAN ONE PERCENT  of our 28 million population. And dont forget in this less than 1% it includes Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans and others.  Folks, less than 1% of the country’s population is NOT going to pull the remaining 99% forward. We need to seriously upgrade the skills and the competitive ability of the 99%.
  • These are the SPM leavers, the school leavers, the PMR leavers, the sekolah pondok kids and the sekolah agama kids. We have to raise the general ability and knowledge base of our school leavers. These are the 99%.
  • I have said this before : the makcik who runs that food stall in Cheneh in Terengganu should be able to email or sms or Twitter Fareed Zakaria on CNN with a question on the South China Sea conflict.  Why do I say this? Because that is what is happening on Fareed Zakaria in CNN. He answers emails, smses and Twitter messages in English from people who are located all over the world.
  • They can communicate and have a conversation in English. They need not be the 1% who go to university to do this. They must be the 99% who can speak and use English effectively.  We do not understand just exactly how much we are losing.

Toleransi Gagasan1Malaysia Yang Bakal Membawa Padah

8 11 2012



Cari punca diskriminasi perkauman


  • Artikel sebenar bukanlah artikel ini tetapi komentar saya mengenai pembangunan di Bt Caves, tetapi pihak akhbar tidak berani untuk menyiarkannya dan saya ganti dengan artikel ini. Saya cuba ‘lembut’ kan artikel tersebut minggu depan, InsyaAllah. 
  • Sinar Harian 5 Nov 2012
  • Terbaharu, kajian pensyarah kanan Universiti Malaya (UM), Dr Lee Hwok Aun dan Dr Muhammed Abdul Khalid Universiti Kebangsaan Malayasia (UKM), mendapati bahawa ramai graduan baru Cina lebih mudah dipanggil untuk temuduga dan mendapat pekerjaan, berbanding dengan orang Melayu, amat menarik perhatian saya.
  • Isu ini sudah lama saya perkatakan. Saya amat yakin yang mempraktikkan polisi ini adalah syarikat-syarikat ultra kiasu, menunjukkan diskriminasi kaum semakin ketara dalam proses pengambilan pasaran buruh sektor swasta. Syarikat Melayu sendiripun ada yang mempraktikkan perkara sebegini, sebab tidak yakin dengan kemampuan bangsa sendiri.
  • Bertunjangkan kepada gagasan 1Malaysia, kerajaan hari ini semakin bersifat terbuka. Ramai kalangan bukan Islam telah dilantik memegang jawatan tinggi dalam Syarikat Berkaitan Kerajaan (GLC) Petronas, CIMB, Telekom Malaysia dan sebagainya. IPTA juga tidak terlepas, Timbalan Naib Canselor sudah ada di kalangan bukan Islam. Jangan haraplah IPTS bukan Melayu akan melakukannya, kecuali jika ada keuntungan.
  • Maka tidak hairan jika kita lihat ramai orang Melayu, pegawai kerajaan pencen, bergelar Tan Sri dan Dato, diperalatkan untuk kepentingan bisnes mereka. Perlantikan mereka sekadar untuk mendapat tender dan kontrak. Lebih malang lagi, mereka yang digula-gulakan dengan elaun dan kerusi empuk, langsung tidak berperanan.
  • Kita ambil satu contoh berdasarkan maklumat rakan-rakan yang bekerja di GLC petroleum terbesar negara. Ultra kiasu yang dilantik sebagai salah seorang pengarah GLC ini begitu bermaharajalela. Kebanyakan kontrak syarikat minyak ini diberikan kepada syarikat bukan Melayu. Manakala, pekerja-pekerjanya diambil kalangan bukan Melayu. Saya tidak kata, tidak boleh. Tetapi biar berpada-pada. Jangan sampai orang Melayu terasa telah diketepikan seperti yang berlaku.
  • Yang peliknya, orang Melayu berjawatan tinggi di sana, hanya melihat sahaja. Tidak berani melawan menegur atau melawan bos, kerana ultra kiasu ini ‘kamcing’ dengan bos nombor satu. Bos nombor satu ini masih dengan cara hidup nafsi-nafsi. Minuman keras masih menjadi amalan. Amalkanlah sifat sebegini, suatu hari ini, kita akan tahu nasib Melayu di bumi Melayu seperti yang selalu saya peringatkan.
  • Ultra kiasu, walaupun bilangan sedikit, tetapi mereka amat aktif bekerja siang malam tanpa jemu. Ultra kiasu akan memastikan mereka sentiasa menang di mana sahaja berada. Lebih malang lagi ada kalangan kita yang bersekongkol dengan mereka. Sama juga di tempat saya bekerja. Orang Islam sendiri telah berpakat dengan ultra kiasu untuk menjahanamkan orang Islam sendiri.
  • Memang agak pelik, bila saya menulis sebegini, seorang Cina yang tidak ada apa-apa kepentingan selalu mengingatkan Melayu sehingga saban hari saya dikutuk. Tetapi apakan daya, semangat keIslaman mengatasi segala-galanya. Tidak mengapalah dikecam dan dihina. Apa yang penting, untuk memastikan umat Islam selamat. Itupun jika mereka mahu sedar.  
  • Bayangkan di kala kerajaan dan anak-anak syarikat terus bersifat terbuka, manakala syarikat ultra kiasu terus mengutamakan kaumnya, bagaimanakah nasib Melayu Islam ini. Perkara ini perlu difikir secara serius oleh kita hari ini. Saya yakin, keadaan yang hampir sama berlaku pada syarikat GLC yang lain seperti Maybank, CIMB, Telekom dan lain-lain.
  • Kadangkala naik muak melihat syarikat GLC ini, berlagak tidak tentu pasal. Kita yang menyukarkan keadaan sehingga anak bangsa sendiri merempat. Isu penguasaan bahasa asing diperbesar-besarkan, sehinggakan orang Melayu yang rajin, tetapi tidak menguasai pelbagai bahasa dipinggirkan.
  • Maka dilantiklah orang-orang yang kononnya menguasai pelbagai bahasa. Secara tidak sedar, mereka inilah yang khianat, menjual rahsia kerajaan. Ada yang sanggup menjual rahsia kepada CIA, mengutuk negara sendiri apabila berucap atau membentang kertas kerja ketika berada di negara luar dan sebagainya.
  • Maka tidak hairanlah hari anak bangsa tidak mendapat tempat dan bahasa Melayu terus merempat. Jika tidak percaya, masuklah ke kedai TM Point, bacalah apa yang tertera  di dinding-dinding dan banner mereka. Boleh dikatakan, tidak ada bahasa Melayu digunakan. Semuanya bahasa Inggeris. Ini baharu satu contoh. Pergilah ke GLC yang majoritinya dipimpin oleh orang Melayu. Kenapa ada dalam pemikiran bos-bos yang dilantik memimpin syarikat kerajaan ini, langsung tidak ada sedikitpun dalam kepala mereka untuk mengangkat agenda kebangsaan?
  • Bandingkan dengan syarikat ultra kiasu yang lain. Masuklah ke bank-bank atau syarikat kepunyaan mereka. Bahasa Melayu hanya ada pada tanda pintu keluar dan masuk. Selebihnya menggunakan bahasa Mandarin dan bahasa Inggeris. Bahasa Melayu langsung tidak mendapat tempat, sebab tidak penting, tidak komersial. Apa ada dengan bahasa Melayu?
  • Ini dibuktikan lagi, hasil kajian  mereka juga mendapati, walaupun kedua-dua graduan Melayu dan Cina menyenaraikan penguasaan bahasa Cina dan menyatakan mereka lulus dari universiti tertentu mungkin meningkatkan peluang mereka untuk dipanggil temuduga. Namun, syarikat Cina atau dikendalikan orang asing, lebih ketara cenderung memilih pemohon Cina.
  • Semua bukti ini menunjukkan, diskriminasi kaum begitu ketara dalam sektor swasta, terutamanya dalam industri kejuruteraan. Orang Melayu hampir pasti ditolak oleh syarikat kawalan asing, diikuti oleh syarikat dikuasai Melayu dan akhir sekali firma dikawal Cina.
  • Jika beginilah keadaannya, sekolah aliran kebangsaan sudah tidak relevan lagi. Jika isu  bahasa mandarin terus diambil kira, bermakna, orang Melayu perlu menghantar anak mereka ke sekolah Cina dan sekolah antarabangsa bagi mendapatkan kerja di syarikat Cina. Ini menampakkan seolah-olah ada permuafakatan antara sekolah ultra kiasu dengan syarikat ultra kiasu, supaya kepentingan budaya dan syarikat mereka terjaga.
  • Nasihat saya, kerajaan perlu mengkaji semula sifat ‘keterbukaan’ yang dilakukan selama ini. Tidak mengapalah kalaupun berlaku ‘brain drain’, jika yang keluar itu adalah ultra kiasu tegar yang tidak boleh dipercayai. Itu lebih baik daripada menyimpan mereka, yang menjadi musuh dalam selimut.

Layak digelar sebagai PENDATANG TEGAR

7 11 2012




Jangan Paksa Sekolah Cina Ajar Bahasa Melayu

Pisau kongsikan apa yang Dong Zhong mahu, seolah dasar pendidikan kebangsaan yang baru menindas sekolah vernakular. Tidak ada negara lain didunia memberi bantuan kepada sekolah jenis kebangsaan melainkan kerajaan BN Malaysia. Lihat di Singapura,Australia mahu pun di UK langsung tak ada bantuan.

Berbillion ringgit ditabur oleh kerajaan BN kepada sekolah sekolah ini sedangkan ia menyalahi perlembagaan negara. Kesalahan BN cukup nyata apabila memberi muka hinggakan pusat menternak hibrid ultrakiasu DAP memandang enteng akan peri pentingnya semangat nasionalisme.

Berapa peratus mereka mereka ini fasih berbahasa Malaysia? Berapa peratus mereka ini mampu menulis dengan baik dalam bahasa Malaysia?

Tak kurang atau terhakis sedikit pun warisan bangsa anda jika belajar bahasa kebangsaan.

Duit kerajaan Malaysia mereka nak tapi bahasa Malaysia mereka taknak..  Malaysian First Chinese Second atau Chinese First Malaysian Second.. ?!

PELAN Pendidikan Kebangsaan atau Malaysian Educational Blueprint yang dilancarkan kerajaan baru-baru ini pada pandangan penulis lebih baik ditukar nama kepada yang lebih sesuai iaitu, “Pelan Kerajaan BN Suruh Semua Orang Cakap Melayu”.

Mana tidaknya, pelan pendidikan ini jelas hanya memperkasakan bahasa Melayu dan meminggirkan bahasa ibunda yang lain dalam sistem pendidikkan kita, terutama sekali bahasa Cina dan India.

Inilah juga alasannya kenapa pertubuhan-pertubuhan pendidikan Cina di negara ini seperti pertubuhan Dong Zhong, menolak sepenuhnya perlaksanaan pelan pendidikan tersebut, malah akan mengadakan demonstrasi besar-besaran pada 25hb November depan bagi menunjukkan bantahan mereka.

Antara lain yang disebut dalam pelan pendidikkan ini ialah, menjadikan Bahasa Melayu sebagai satu-satunya medium pengajaran di seluruh sekolah kerajaan, menambah tempoh pembelajaran bahasa Melayu dari 180 minit ke 570 minit dan penghapusanremove classsyang sebelum ini dikhususkan untuk pelajar menengah dari sekolah rendah jenis kebangsaan (SJKC).

Kalau semua ini bukan dibaca untuk memperkasakan bahasa Melayu, penulis tidak tahu nak menggelarkannya sebagai apa.

Memang ini negara Malaysia, bukan negara China atau India, tapi dalam masa yang sama kerajaan perlu memperakukan bahawa bahasa ibunda masing-masing juga perlu dipertahankan, selari dengan gesaan UNESCO.

Walaupun ada berpendapat gesaan UNESCO itu tidak meliputi sistem pendidikan kebangsaan, tapi itu bukan masalah untuk perkara tersebut dilaksanakan disini, apatah lagi bila perlembagaan Malaysia juga menetapkan supaya setiap rakyat diberi kebebasan mengamalkan bahasa ibunda masing-masing.

Penulis rasa elok dikekalkan sistem sekarang bila bahasa Melayu diajar secara minima di sekolah-sekolah jenis kebangsaan dengan penumpuan lebih diberikan kepada bahasa ibunda masing-masing.  Menambah tempoh pembelajaran dalam bahasa Melayu bermaksud mengurangkan masa untuk pembelajaran dalam bahasa ibunda di sekolah jenis kebangsaan.

Walaupun penulis akui sistem pengajaran bahasa Melayu di sekolah jenis kebangsaan cina sedia ada tidak banyak membantu meningkatkan komunikasi antara orang Cina dan orang Melayu, tapi keadaan itu boleh di atasi kalau kerajaan bersifat adil kepada semua kaum di negara ini seperti yang pernah dicadangkan Pakatan Rakyat.

Nampak macam tak berkaitan (antara berkomunikasi dan bersikap adil) tapi ia sebenarnya ada kaitan tidak langsung yang banyak.  Sukar rasanya penulis nak jelaskan disini kerana perkara ini terlalu ‘berat’ untuk orang yang tidak berpedidikan tinggi faham, yang penting, ada kaitanlah.
Lagipun dengan negara China semakin pantas menghampiri negara-negara barat dari segi penguasaan ekonomi, permintaan untuk tenaga mahir yang mampu bertutur dalam bahasa Mandarin dijangka akan menjadi lebih tinggi, mengatasi mereka yang mahir menguasai bahasa Inggeris apatah lagi bahasa Melayu yang tidak laku di peringkat antarabangsa ini.-Mkini

Pisau kata dah lebih 50 tahun merdeka,ada yang tak fasih cakap Bahasa Malaysia…ada yang tak tau menyanyi lagu Kebangsaan… nak sama rata?

Language of Heaven?

6 11 2012


PPSMI Fight Is Still On

The PPSMI fight is not over yet. Here is some news :
  • Parent groups vow to fight on for PPSMI
  • Concerned parents of various groups met on Sunday to discuss the actions they would take in their fight for the reinstatement of the teaching of Maths and Science in English (PPSMI).
  • First, we will hold a gathering to display our anger and anguish
  • to present pleas to Sultan in respective states, with final plea to the King.
  • Candidates for elections in Klang Valley should speak up and we will give them our votes
  • Here are other headlines about the PPSMI from The Star :
  • Parents gather at PPSMI rallies
  • Parent groups plan PPSMI rally
  • Teacher joins bid to retain PPSMI
  • Lawyer seeks to keep PPSMI
The two points in red above are interesting : the PPSMI folks wish to present memos to the Sultans and the King. Finally they will vote for whoever champions the PPSMI.
I thnik the PPSMI folks are going about this in a very civilised manner. Unfortunately this may not yield the desired results.
The urbanised, West Coast residents whether Malay, Chinese or Indian realise the importance of English as the language of survival. The non-urban people, especially many non-urban and non West Coast Malays do not see the need for English.
Among the religiously educated, or religiously influenced Malays the situation is worse – if possible they would like their children to be educated in Arabic, which they think is the language of heaven.
If there is just one single issue that is going to make or break the future of this nation it is the PPSMI. We abandon the PPSMI at great cost to our future. This will be especially true for the Malays, the Indians, the Kadazans, Dayaks etc.
The Chinese will not suffer as much because Mandarin is now developing into a world class language that can convey vast amounts of new knowledge. The same cannot be said yet of  Malay or other vernacular languages in the country.  Malay depends on ‘borrowed’ words from the English language. These borrowed words do not yet have currency in everyday Malay conversation in the cities, towns and villages.
‘Liberal’, ‘persepsi’, ekonomi, teknologi, publisiti, biologi, demografi, integriti, sosiologi and a thousand other English words do not form part of everyday Malay conversation. People just dont use these ‘English borrow words’ in their everyday conversation. Hence these ‘borrowed words’ cannot yet be the carriers of new knowledge into Malay society.
Yet these are the same English words that our Malay language proponents have imported into the Malay language with the hope of turning Malay into a language of knowledge. This just wont work.  It only causes a corruption of the Malay language that will end up neither here nor there. Bahasa Melayu pun tercemar, bahasa Inggeris pun tak faham.
It is just much easier to learn the English language and catch up with the rest of the world.
This is becoming an election issue now.
Can our children learn English? Yes they can. How do we know this? Because they can learn Arabic in school. It is more difficult to learn Arabic than to learn English. But thousands of Malay children are learning Arabic in school.  Why? Because they believe it is the language of heaven. 

What policies? What plans?

4 11 2012




Education Policy: What is BN’s and PR’s policy if either wins the GE13?

Education, needless to say is the cornerstone of a country’s development and even civilisation. It is an investment into our children to make them good persons, good and useful citizens. WE cannot look at education merely to produce technocrats but weak and valueless human beings.

It is no secret that almost most will agree that generally the education standards in our country, from primary to tertiary is low. We have been having inconsistent education policies for the past many years that has caused major damage to the education of our kids.

Again, I cannot be accused as being excessive when I say that much of our education policy is weak and not well thought out because it has been unnecessarily politicised rather than being focused on quality and proper objectives. The standard of English in our country has declined to an embarrassing low due to politics interfering into our education policy making process. We produce graduates who seem to lack the ability to think and reason.

IF we look at the Government schools, it is plagued with all sorts of problems such as gangsterism, truancy, low quality teachers and school environment. Too much religion in school, especially “Islam”, instead of focusing on academic excellence has also contributed in wastage of resources. We seem to lack commitment to give our children the best education possible in the best environment possible.

We may have KLCC and world class physical facilities at KLIA, but our government schools, especially the National Type schools are generally pathetic. This probably explains why there is an increase in private schools. One barometer of how good our schools are is to ask this question: how many of our Ministers and MPs have their own children studying in Government schools?

After more than 50 years, we still have not come up with a solution to the separation and the consequences of having sekolah kebangsaan and vernacular schools.

With all the above problems, wouldnt the Rakyat like to know what is the education policy and plans that BN or PR have before they cast their vote?

Peace !

Semuanya dikorbankan demi undi politik

30 10 2012





Berkorban jangan sampai terkorban

(SINAR hARIAN 29 Okt 2012)
Pada minggu lalu, seorang pemimpin parti ultra kiasu mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa pendidikan berasaskan bahasa ibunda atau sekolah vernakular bukanlah punca kepada polarisasi.

Beberapa polisi kerajaan sedia ada, merujuk kepada hak istimewa orang Melayu dan DEB, menjadi punca polarisasi seperti kemudahan pemberian lesen dan bantuan biasiswa. Kenyataan ini keluar sejurus selepas senator Melayu ultra kiasu mengeluarkan kenyataan sekolah agama punca kepada polarisasi.

Lebih memeranjatkan lagi, resolusi perhimpunan agung parti ini mendesak kerajaan supaya i) mencinakan lagi SMKJC Chong Hwa Kuantan, tidak lama lagi di Segamat. ii) mengekalkan silibus Bahasa Melayu (BM) di SJKC yang selama ini begitu mudah berbanding sekolah kebangsaan, iii) mahukan kursus vokasional diajar dalam bahasa ibunda (Cina), iv) menaik taraf Kolej Tunku Abdul Rahman menjadi kolej universiti. v) penggunaan pelbagai bahasa dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran di sekolah, bukan BM sahaja, makna turut menggunakan bahasa Cina dan berbagai lagi tuntutan lain. Ternyata, resolusi begitu ultra kiasu, terus mementingkan bangsa berbanding agenda negara.

Ketika merasmikan perhimpunan itu, Perdana Menteri (PM) turut mengumumkan peruntukan RM30 juta kepada 78 SMJKC seluruh negara. Sudah pasti ia akan menjadi peruntukan tahunan. Kayalah nampaknya SMJKC; derma datang mencurah-curah. Saya bukan dengki, tetapi sedih melihat sekolah agama.

Ya, saya tidak nafikan sumbangan sekolah vernakular dalam pembangunan, tetapi tidakkah kita perlu melihat sama aspek negatif, seperti niat murni PM mahukan ultra kiasu menguasai bahasa Melayu dengan baik.

Malangnya, isu penguasaan BM langsung tidak dibincangkan dalam perhimpunan tersebut, apatah lagi diresolusikan. Sungguh licik ultra kiasu ini. Dalam kepala mereka semuanya memperkasa dan memperkayakan bangsa.

Sebelum ini, pemimpin ultra kiasu ini mengeluarkan kenyataan menghina Islam dengan mengatakan 1.2 juta rakyat Malaysia hilang pekerjaan jika hudud Pas dilaksanakan. Dia juga kata negara yang mengamalkan hudud adalah antara yang paling korup. Ultra kiasu boleh memusuhi Pas, tetapi jangan sama sekali menghina Islam, kerana Islam itu mulia dan dilindungi perlembagaan.

Saya juga boleh menghina agama Buddha, Kristian, Hindu dan lain-lain, tetapi Islam tidak membenarkan. Kenapa ultra kiasu begitu biadab? Kerana kita takut kepada mereka, meletakkan undi segala-galanya, sedangkan mereka belum tentu mengundi kita. Kita yang terhegeh-hegeh. Pas pun sama. Nasihat saya kepada pemimpin ultra kiasu, jangan campur hal ehwal Islam.

Sejarah membuktikan, tanpa penguasaan bahasa pun, interaksi antara kerajaan China dengan Tanah Melayu begitu rancak sejak lebih 600 tahun lalu dan sebelum itu. Ketika itu, kerajaan Melaka telah mengamalkan undang-undang Islam.

Orang Melayu tidaklah pandai berbahasa Cina, tetapi sikap dan perangai orang Melayu yang begitu lunak berteraskan cara hidup Islam, menjadi faktor penarik kepada orang luar untuk berinteraksi, selain mendapatkan hasil bumi melimpah ruah.

Ini menjadikan orang Cina datang berdagang terpaksa mempelajari BM untuk berinteraksi dengan alam Melayu. Di manakah hujah mengatakan kuasa China bangkit hari ini maka kita mesti menguasai bahasa Cina, termasuk memperbanyakkan sekolahnya? Yang perlu diubah hari ini ialah perangai dan sikap orang Melayu yang tidak yakin kepada kekuatan dan kehebatan diri sendiri. Inferioriti kompleks, memandang rendah cara hidup sendiri dan cara hidup Islam.

Sebenarnya kita telah diperbodohkan? Menjadi mangsa korban kerana terlalu banyak berkorban. Kuasa dan politik adalah segala-galanya. Mungkin kita boleh berseronok untuk jangka pendek, tetapi tidak jangka panjang. Pasti anak cucu-cicit kita akan merana.

Apakah tidak berlaku polarisasi jika sejak dari kecil kita dipisahkan dalam segala aspek. Apabila sampai ke peringkat menengah, mereka berasa janggal untuk berkomunikasi disebabkan masalah bahasa. Perkara ini terbawa-bawa hingga ke peringkat pengajian tinggi.

Kajian saya mengenai polarisasi di IPT, sudah jelas menunjukkan semua ini disebabkan pembawaan sejak kecil. Bayangkan jika ditambah lagi SJKC, SMJKC dan sekolah persendirian. Bermakna semakin kurang bukan Melayu di sekolah kebangsaan. Akan bercampurkah anak-anak kita nanti. Selepas itu, mereka melanjutkan pelajaran di China dan Taiwan. Jenis manusia apakah yang ingin kita lahirkan di Malaysia ini?

Sempena hari raya korban ini, saya menyeru kepada seluruh pemimpin negara tercinta ini supaya melakukan korban untuk kepentingan negara, bukan bangsa, tidak semata-mata pilihan raya. Matlamat utama kita adalah untuk mengekalkan negara berada di tangan umat Islam, terjamin hak dan identiti Islamnya.

Amat jarang berlaku dalam sejarah dunia, identiti negara itu tercabut dek kerana terlalu meraikan orang lain. Boleh berkorban, tetapi jangan sampai agama dan anak bangsa terkorban.


Orang Cina yang bertebaran di bumi Malaysia

29 10 2012

Sin Chew – Ayuh Bersatu ! Semua Samaratakan TAPI Sekolah Cina Jangan Kacau Ok !

Artikel terjemahan SinChew Daily News dari Rocky Little Chinese Bru betul-betul menyingkap sikap HIPOKRIT penulis dan editornya. Mungkin kah pandangan yang sama turut dikongsi oleh kaum cina ? Saya copy sepenuhnya dengan sedikit peng-highlight -an.

Sinchew Daily News
Ruangan: Opinion Corner m/s 38
Tarikh: 26 Okt 2012 (Jumaat)

Hilangkan syak wasangka, bina sikap saling mempercayai
Oleh Lim Sue Guan
Timbalan Pengarang Sinchew Daily News

Projek perubahan Najib sudah berjalan selama 3 tahun, tetapi tidak membawa kepada perubahan dalam pemikiran serta pengetahuan am dalam erti mengenal perubahan dalam fikiran masyarakat.

”Kongres Ekonomi Melayu 2012” baru-baru ini telah berlangsung, ia sama juga seperti tahun-tahun sudah, perhimpunan kali ini tetap tidak berubah masih berkisar membincangkan pemegangan saham bumiputera, mahu pihak kerajaan dan syarikat-syarikat GLC membantu usahawan bumiputera; sampai bila baru cukup dan memadai untuk bekerjasama dengan syarikat-syarikat pelbagai kaum pula, supaya dapat wujudkan satu kongres yang boleh melibatkan ekonomi untuk semua rakyat?

Masa dahulu masih lagi kedengaran suara pemimpin-pemimpin membangkitkan usahawan bumiputera, usahawan Cina dan usahawan India perlu bekerjasama, untuk memperluaskan konsep kek-kek ekonomi; tetapi kekurangan dari segi kepercayaan di antara satu sama lain, terhalang dengan saling tidak mempercayai dan syak wasangka, win-win situation antara kaum ini telah pun dilupai.

Sebuah kongres ekonomi dari sudut kaum sahaja, pandangan mereka sudah tentu agak sempit, contohnya dulu, menteri dari kalangan UMNO Tan Sri Sanusi Junid pada kongres tersebut dengan lantang berkata, pada masa itu Mahathir gunakan cara sistem polisi Jerman menentang orang-orang Yahudi, tidak keluarkan lesen bank kepada orang-orang bukan bumiputera, tetapi pada ketika itu Menteri Kewangan Anwar Ibrahim pecahkan ruyung langgar halangan itu, keluarkan lesen kepada Hong Leong Bank dan Allianz Bank.

Pada ketika itu niat Sanusi Junid ialah cuba menghentam Anwar Ibrahim, mengatakan Anwar Ibrahim merosakkan agenda Melayu, tetapi pada ketika itu menyebabkan orang-orang bukan Melayu rasa tersinggung; orang-orang bukan Melayu membayangkan bahawa orang-orang Cina adalah seperti orang-orang Yahudi, kepada orang-orang Cina yang setia pada negara ini bukankah sudah tercalar?

Jika pada Abad yang lepas mahu dengki mendengki, saling berhati-hati dan waspada, menyekat pihak lain untuk berkembang, sepatutnya pada waktu ini semua fahaman itu perlu dikikis, terutama sekali kepada ahli-ahli politik; jika mereka masih timbulkan isu-isu lama, ia melambangkan pemikiran mereka sendiri sangat mundur.

Politik perkauman itu satu penyakit barah menyebabkan polisi perubahan tidak dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik, kerana mereka masih rasa syak wasangka, ia menjadi punca kepada saling tidak mempercayai antara satu sama lain. Politik perkauman itu perlu dipecah dan ditadbir, hanya dengan cara begitu pemimpin yang berkuasa baru dapat mentadbirnya; tetapi ini sebenarnya satu permainan kosong-kosong dan sama rata. Hari ini pada keseluruhannya yang sepatutnya kita tekankan ialah persaingan antara negara-negara, bukan lagi berlegar pada nilai saham antara kaum. Jika ekonomi negara meleset, pasti nilai saham antara kaum juga akan turut mengecil.

Dalam laporan Bank Dunia, Malaysia melonjak ke tempat ke-12 dalam Laporan Menjalankan Perniagaan 2013 oleh Bank Dunia, ia memang menggembirakan kita, tetapi yang paling penting ialah ranking persaingan negara dan kekuatan sebenar ekonomi kita.

Pertikaian dalam bab ekonomi kaum, sebaliknya kenapa kita tidak cuba rapatkan jurang perbezaan ekonomi antara kaya dan miskin, dan hapuskan tidak puas hati dalam masyarakat. Kita sepatutnya tangani kemiskinan, pendidikan dan persaingan dalam perniagaan melalui prestasi, sesiapa sahaja yang memerlukan bantuan perlu dibantu, kesannya pasti akan lebih baik daripada apa yang ada sekarang ini, ia juga boleh terhindar daripada gejala rasuah dan sikap tamak.

Kekuragan sikap saling mempercayai antara satu sama lain kita hanya membazirkan masa bertelingkah ke atas perkara-perkara yang tidak berfaedah, hanya asyik meragui antara satu sama lain. Contohnya Pengarah Institut Alam dan Tamadun Melayu UKM, Prof Dr Teo Kok Seong sebaliknya mengkritik orang-orang Cina kerana orang-orang Cina tidak mahu menerima blue print pendidikan saranan pihak kerajaan, untuk memperkukuhkan bahasa Melayu di SJKC supaya menggunakan sylibus sekolah kebangsaan, beliau anggap orang-orang Cina terlalu pertahankan bahasa Cina.

Walaupun Dr Teo Kok Seong seorang berketurunan Cina, beliau tidak memahami masyarakat Cina, masyarakat Cina membantah kerana disebabkan masyarakat Cina khuatir kualiti di SJKC akan berubah, tindakan masyarakat Cina itu sebenarnya mahu pertahankan pendidikan bahasa Ibunda mereka, kegusaran dalam jiwa seperti ini dalam masyarakat Cina ada kaitannya dengan politik dan sejarah.

Sebab itu ia perlu melalui kaum hindarkan politik, laksanakan polisi yang terbuka yang bukan dari sudut perkauman, barulah ia dapat ketepikan syak wasangka di antara satu sama lain, supaya semua orang boleh rasa lapang dada, dan mampu bina saling mempercayai di antara satu sama lain.

Orang-orang Malaysia memang bijak, selama 50 tahun terpusing-pusing dengan agenda politik, menyebabkan berlaku pecah dan tadbir, pembaziran dalaman yang ketara, menyebabkan kekayaan negara serta orang-orang cerdik pandai mengalir keluar. Seterusnya kita meronta-ronta dan bertelagah di antara satu sama lain di tempat dan di ruang yang sempit ini, bermakna alam kita ini semakin lama semakin mengecil.


Ada sesiapa nak beri pandangan ?

PS – saya nak komen satu jer – Apakah tindakan dipihak pemimpin2 kita kearah menyedarkan kaum bukan Melayu kenapa negara kita PERLU dasar2 Affirmatif, kearah KEADILAN dalam perkongsian ? Bahawa Samarata itu tidak bermakna ADIL ?

Pendaulatan Bahasa Kebangsaan – Sarawak di bawah KM berbanding Malaysia di bawah PM

26 10 2012

Sumber DI SINI.


“….berharap Sarawak dapat muncul sebagai negeri yang secara NYATA memancarkan CITRA BUDAYA BANGSA…..”

– Ketua Menteri Sarawak

Alangkah baiknya jika seorang Perdana Menteri bersemangat waja seperti ini terhadap budaya bangsa MALAYsia, bukannya mencanang sekolah-sekolah vernakular yang mencelarukan identiti MALAYsia yang mana akan menjurus kepada rakyat (?) sendiri langsung tidak tahu bertutur bahasa kebangsaan dek terdidik dengan sistem pendidikan vernakular cina (negara CHINA) dan tamil (negara INDIA).

Selamat Menyambut Hariraya Haji

26 10 2012